- About Philosophy
- American Journey, The: A History of the United States To 1877, Volume 1
- American Nation, The: A History of the United States, Volume 1
- American People, The: Creating a Nation and a Society, Concise Edition, Volume 2
- American Stories: A History of the United States, Volume 1
- Becoming a Critical Thinker: A User-Friendly Manual
- By The People, Volume 2
- Classic Philosophical Questions
- Connections: A World History, Volume 1
- Created Equal: A History of the United States, Combined Volume
- Development Across the Life Span
- Ethics and the Conduct of Business
- Exploring Marriages and Families
- Heritage of World Civilizations, The, Combined Volume
- Human Development: A Cultural Approach
- Humanities, The: Culture, Continuity, and Change, Volume 2
- Lifespan Development
- Marriages, Families, and Intimate Relationships
- Old Testament Story, The
- Out of Many: A History of the American People, Volume 1
- Personality Psychology: Understanding Yourself and Others
- Psychology
- Reality Through the Arts
- Sacred Quest, The: An Invitation to the Study of Religion
- Social Problems: A Down-to-Earth Approach
- Society: The Basics
- Story and History: Western Civilization Since 1550
- Struggle for Freedom, The: A History of African Americans, Combined Volume
- The Art of Being Human, The Humanities as a Technique for Living
- THINK Critically
- Understanding the Political World: A Comparative Introduction to Political Science
- Visions of America: A History of the United States, Combined Volume
- West, The: Encounters and Transformations, Volume 1
- Western Heritage, The, Volume 2
- World Civilizations: The Global Experience, Volume 1
- World, The: A History, Volume 2
- African-American Odyssey, The, Combined Volume
- American Journey, The: A History of the United States Since 1865, Volume 2
- American Nation, The: A History of the United States, Volume 2
- American People, The: Creating a Nation and a Society, Concise Edition, Volume 1
- American Stories: A History of the United States, Combined Volume
- Business Ethics: Concepts and Cases
- Child Development: A Cultural Approach
- Communication: Making Connections
- Connections: A World History, Volume 2
- Created Equal: A History of the United States, Volume 1
- Discovering the Humanities
- Ethics for the Legal Professional
- Global Issues: Politics, Economics, and Culture
- Heritage of World Civilizations, The, Volume 1
- Human Relations: The Art and Science of Building Effective Relationships
- Interpersonal Communication: Relating to Others
- Living Religions
- Moving On: The American People Since 1945
- Out of Many: A History of the American People, Combined Volume
- Pearson Guide to Critical and Creative Thinking, The
- Philosopher's Way, The: Thinking Critically About Profound Ideas
- Psychology: Core Concepts
- Red, White and Black
- Social Problems
- Social Psychology
- Sociology
- Struggle for Freedom, The: A History of African Americans Since 1865, Volume 2
- Struggle for Freedom, The: The Modern Era Since 1930
- The world in the 20th Century: A thematic Approach
- Ultimate Questions: Thinking About Philosophy
- Visions of America: A History of the United States, Volume 1
- West, The: Encounters and Transformations, Combined Volume
- Western Heritage, The, Combined Volume
- World Civilizations: The Global Experience, Combined Volume
- World, The: A History, Combined Volume
- African-American Odyssey, The, Volume 1
- American Journey, The: A History of the United States, Combined Volume
- American Nation, The: A History of the United States, Combined Volume
- American Stories: A History of the United States, Volume 2
- An Introduction to the Bible
- By The People, Volume 1
- Civilizations Past and Present, Combined Volume
- Connections: A World History, Combined Volume
- Consider Ethics: Theory, Readings, and Contemporary Issues
- Created Equal: A History of the United States, Volume 2
- Essentials of Human Communication
- Ethics: Theory and Practice, Updated Edition
- Global Perspectives on the Bible
- Heritage of World Civilizations, The, Volume 2
- Humanities, The: Culture, Continuity, and Change, Volume 1
- Life Span Development: A Topical Approach
- Marriages and Families: Diversity and Change
- Occupied America: A History of Chicanos
- Out of Many: A History of the American People, Volume 2
- Perceiving the Arts: An Introduction to the Humanities
- Psychological Science: Modeling Scientific Literacy
- Public Speaking Handbook
- Religions of the World
- Social Problems
- Social Psychology: Goals in Interaction
- Sociology Now
- Struggle for Freedom, The: A History of African Americans To 1877, Volume 1
- The African-American Odyssey, Volume 2
- The World's Religions
- Understanding Global Conflict and Cooperation: An Introduction to Theory and History
- Visions of America: A History of the United States, Volume 2
- West, The: Encounters and Transformations, Volume 2
- Western Heritage, The, Volume 1
- World Civilizations: The Global Experience, Volume 2
- World, The: A History, Volume 1