• Revel Reveals New Ways to Support Student Learning in the Digital Age

    by Pearson

    The problem

    Pennsylvania Highlands Community College (PHCC) enrolls about 2,400 students each year, evenly split between traditional college students and high school students participating in a dual enrollment program. 

    Daniella Cope, a psychology professor and program coordinator at PHCC, saw that her students were struggling. They needed help accessing essential course materials on time, sometimes due to financial difficulties, causing them to fall behind and lose momentum with their learning. PHCC, due to its smaller size, couldn’t provide tutoring support for the students who fell behind, which compounded the problem.

    Daniella and her colleagues needed a learning resource that would give students instant access to their course materials and the reinforcements they needed to take charge of their learning experiences.

    The solution 

    Daniella knew where to go to find the solution to her problem. When she learned that Revel materials they needed on day one via an Inclusive Access program, she was convinced to make the switch from MyLab Psychology to Revel. 

  • MyLab Math with MyLabsPlus homework positively impacts developmental students’ success

    by Pearson

    MyLab Math with MyLabsPlus contributes to student success

    Between Fall 2016 and Spring 2017, Professor Kathryn Merritt from Pensacola State College in Pensacola, FL, partnered with Pearson to investigate the impact of MyLab™ Math in MyLabsPlus™ for Prealgebra and Introductory Algebra, 4th Edition by Martin-Gay on student success in her Developmental I & II courses.

  • Flipped class utilizing MyLab Math in MyLabsPlus boosts student success

    by Pearson

    A young student working on computer sitting at a desk.

    Flipping a course utilizing MyLab Math in MyLabsPlus contributes to student success

    In Spring 2017, faculty from the University of Arkansas partnered with Pearson to investigate the impact of a flipped Finite Mathematics course utilizing MyLab™ Math in MyLabsPlus™ for Finite Mathematics by Lial, Greenwell, and Ritchey.

  • MyLab Accounting increases student success and retention rates

    by Pearson

    A woman sitting at  a table and working on laptop with headphones on.

    MyLab Accounting contributes to student success

    In Spring 2018, Professor Khondkar Karim from the Manning School of Business at the University of Massachusetts in Lowell, MA, partnered with Pearson to investigate the impact of MyLab™ Accounting for Managerial Accounting by Braun and Tietz on student success in their Managerial Accounting (Accounting 2020) course.

  • Course redesign utilizing MyLab Math positively impacts student retention

    by Pearson

    A man is sitting at a table and taking notes in a notebook. A laptop and a pen stand are on the table.

    Course redesign utilizing MyLab Math positively impacts student retention rates

    From Fall 2016 to Spring 2017, Professor Carol Crothers from the College of Western Idaho in Nampa, ID partnered with Pearson to investigate the impact of her redesigned College Prep Math course utilizing MyLab™ Math in MyLabsPlus™ for Developmental Mathematics by Trigsted. During this time, it was learned:

    • Retention rates increased 29 percentage points after redesigning to an emporium format.
    • A prescriptive orientation period with specific benchmarks provided students a firm foundation, while flexibility in the course format throughout the remainder of the semester met their academic and personal needs.
    • Weekly communication between group Instructors and students ensured personal contact in this large emporium course.
  • MyLab IT assignment completion positively impacts student success

    by Pearson

    A woman sitting at the table in a wheel chair and working on laptop.

    MyLab IT contributes to student success

    In Spring 2018, Professor Erik Ford from the University of Oregon in Eugene, OR partnered with Pearson to investigate the impact of MyLab™ IT with eText for Exploring Microsoft Office 2016 by Grauer and Poatsy on student success in his Managing Business Information course.

  • Pearson Inclusive Access model leads to increased retention and graduation rates, along with improved student success

    by Pearson

    A man looking at phone

    Pearson Inclusive Access positively impacts graduation rates, retention rates, and student success

    In Fall 2012, Dean of Academic Instruction, Dr. Stephanie Duguid from Copiah-Lincoln Community College, chose to transition to Pearson Inclusive Access with the goals of improving developmental student success rates and first week access to course materials. After implementing the model from 2012-2018, it was learned that:

    • Graduation rates have increased eight percentage points and retention rates have increased ten percentage points.
    • Student success rates in gateway mathematics courses have increased 17 percentage points.
    • Students save an average of 68% off traditional prices when using Inclusive Access course materials.
    Click here to read the full case study or continue reading to learn more.   
  • Support student success with Revel Java Programming

    by Pearson

    A woman sitting on a couch and working on laptop with a pet dog at her side

    Supporting student success with Revel Java Programming

    Pearson interviewed instructors across the United States in Summer 2020 to understand how they’re using and experiencing Revel Java Programming.

    Researchers found that Revel’s integrated learning experience, that blends engaging content with practical experience and immediate feedback, lays a solid foundation for students to be successful programmers.

    Read the complete findings here or continue reading to learn more about what they have to say.

    Revel’s integrated learning experience encourages active participation

    George Meghabghab, professor at Roane State Community College in Tennessee, feels the integrated and immersive learning that Revel Java Programming offers means it is an “optimal learning space which encourages students to go into Revel… and engages them to stay there until finished.”

    Frank Ducrest, recently retired professor at a 4-year school in Louisiana, was pleasantly surprised when immediately after adopting Revel the rate of passing the course went from 35% to 70% in the first semester. The subsequent 5 years of utilizing Revel has kept this success rate high, averaging from 60% to 80%, depending on the student majors.

    It has really been amazing, the difference I have seen in my students since starting Revel.”

    Hands-on practice with immediate feedback

    Joe Parks, recently retired Lead Java Instructor at a community college in North Carolina, feels the immediate feedback Revel offers helps students realize a concept may not be well understood, thus allowing them to address the concern while the material is still fresh.

    The integrated quizzes, animations, activities, etc. follow this model, and allow a student to realize immediately that he or she needs to go through the current material again. Revel does this on an individual level, which is impossible to do in a classroom setting.”

    Caroline Budwell, professor at Virginia Commonwealth University, appreciates how Revel’s practice opportunities encourage deep thought, saying:

    I like Revel because it does make the kids practice problems and it’s not as fluffy as what I was using previously because that program just gave them a lot of points to read and try stuff. Revel makes you think more; the practice activities in Revel makes my kids think more.”

    The autograding feature saves time grading programming assignments

    Four of the instructors we spoke to, including Caroline Budwell and Sujing Wang, a professor at a 4-year school in the southern region of the United States, all find the autograding feature to be the most beneficial aspect of Revel, with Caroline saying:

    I haven’t manually graded anything since implementing Revel, so I would say it works very well for me. It reduces the time I have spent grading, I just go into Blackboard, sync the grades, and I don’t mess with it at all.”

    Terrance Adam Smith, professor at a 2-year school in Texas, appreciates the time saved grading programming assignments saying, “I am definitely doing less work due to automatic grading.”

    Read the full findings here

    Learn more about how Revel Java Programming could benefit your course

  • Boost student success with Revel Psychology

    by Pearson

    A woman sits on a couch, looking at the phone she's holding and smiling.

    How Revel Psychology contributes to student success

    Manda Williamson at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln partnered with Pearson to determine if Revel for Psychology, 1st Edition by Marin and Hock could enhance student engagement and success in her Introduction to Psychology Course over the Fall 2017 and Spring 2018 semesters.