MyLab Operations Management homework boosts student success
Pearson | January 28, 2022 in Meaningful Outcomes
by Pearson
MyLab Operations Management contributes to student success
In Spring 2017, Pearson partnered with Professor Adam Munson from the University of Florida in Gainesville, FL, to investigate the impact of MyLab™ Operations Management with Operations Management by Heizer and Render on student success in his Operations and Supply Chain Management course.
Key findings include:
- Students who earned above-average MyLab assignment scores earned higher average exam and final course scores than students who earned MyLab scores below average.
- 80 percent of student survey respondents agreed that use of MyLab helped them earn higher exam scores.
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Why does Professor Adam Munson utilize MyLab Operations Management?
University of Florida instructors understood the importance of homework, but found it was nearly impossible to grade due to large lecture classes. MyLab was MyLab was being used successfully in other departments at UF so Munson and his colleagues decided to adopt MyLab Operations Management for Fall 2012 classes.
How was MyLab Operations Management implemented?
Operations and Supply Chain Management is a four-credit, one-semester course. MyLab Operations Management is required and use it for understanding content, homework assignments, and additional practice.
- MyLab homework problems: Students complete 10 assignments comprised of end-of-chapter questions, problems, and video questions, with a due date prior to each exam. Students have multiple attempts at completion, and learning aids are turned on.
- OM simulations: Munson assigned two simulations and take approximately 20–40 minutes to complete.
Other assessments include 3 exams, YellowDig discussion board, and National ETS Major Field Test. MyLab homework and simulations account for 10% of the total grade.
Were students successful in the course?
Students were divided into two groups based on the average MyLab assignment score, those scoring above, and those scoring below.
- Students who earned higher than average MyLab scores earned average exam scores nine percentage points higher and final exam scores 11 percentage points higher than those scoring below average.
- Students earning above average MyLab scores scored higher on average exam grades and final course grades than students earning below average MyLab scores.
Do students like using MyLab Operations Management?
The following responses are from the Fall 2016 national Pearson student MyLab Operations Management survey, taken by 523 students from both two- and four-year schools:
- 80 percent of respondents strongly agree or agree that use of MyLab helped them earn higher exam scores.
One student said:
“If I got a homework question wrong, MyLab provided an explanation and an equation that would help guide me to the right way to complete the problem.”
Learn more about how MyLab Operations Management could benefit your course