Psychology: From Inquiry to Understanding for consideration at Thompson Rivers University

Pearson is pleased to present the 5th Canadian Edition of Psychology: From Inquiry to Understanding for consideration at Thompson Rivers University. This interactive Revel e-text is intended for use in your Intro Psychology course. We hope you find this information helpful and look forward to partnering with you to deliver an outstanding experience for your students.


Psychology: From Inquiry to Understanding 5th Canadian Edition

Here, authors Ken Cramer and Rodney Schmaltz speak about their “learning how to learn” initiative and discuss their approach to incorporating EDI within the narrative.

Building critical and scientific thinking skills
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Incorporating evidence-based approaches to learning
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Addressing the diverse experiences of students
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E-Text Summary Document

Click here to download a comprehensive overview of Psychology: From Inquiry to Understanding 5th Canadian Edition. Access all the information you need about the e-text and learn more.


Revel is an immersive learning platform that enlivens familiar and respected course content with interactive experiences and assessments. Designed for the way that students live and learn today, and deeply rooted in learning science, Revel brings psychology to life.

Natalie Long, Pearson’s Vancouver-based Digital Learning and Revel specialist, provides an overview of Revel and shows how it truly engages and excites students in their study of psychology.