Vanier College Chemistry
Hello Vanier Chemistry, we have put together this website for you to highlight a few very important tools in Mastering Chemistry for your courses at Vanier.

Help students target their gaps in knowledge
GapFinder assesses your students' levels of understanding in the context of math relevant to their chemistry course and creates personalized plans to help them remediate the math skills necessary to succeed in the chemistry sequence. GapFinder makes it easy for them to see where they're struggling with key prerequisite math skills, so they study what they don’t know — not what they’ve already mastered.
Help students come to class prepared
Assign a chapter or section of the Pearson eText to help students prepare for lectures, homework, and quizzes — and to hold them accountable for their work. Scheduled readings are posted to each student’s assignment page, and you can link readings directly to a Mastering assignment.