Sociology Project 1.5, The: Introducing the Sociological Imagination, Canadian Edition, 1st edition

Published by Pearson Canada (August 1, 2021) © 2020

  • Kirsten Kramar University of Winnipeg
  • Jeff Manza New York University
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Authored collaboratively by members of the NYU Sociology Department and supplemented with Canadian data and research to explore big sociological questions in the Canadian context, The Sociology Project draws on the collective wisdom of expert faculty to reveal how individuals are shaped by the contexts in which they live and act. Organized around the big questions in every subfield of the discipline, the text shows how sociologists analyze our world, and sets students off on their own journeys of sociological inquiry.

The Canadian edition illustrates significant similarities and/or differences between Canada, the U.S., and other countries throughout each chapter. Using Canadian data and research to explore the big questions asked by the U.S. experts in the field, we can observe how the differences between Canada and the United States are often connected to different cultural histories or social policies adopted by our governments and other institutions.

  1. The Sociological Imagination
  2. Social Theory
  3. Studying the Social World
  4. Social Interaction
  5. Social Structure
  6. Culture Media and Communication
  7. Power and Politics
  8. Markets Organizations and Work
  9. Social Stratification Inequality and Poverty
  10. Race Ethnicity and Immigration
  11. Gender and Sexuality
  12. Families and Family Life
  13. Sociology of Religion
  14. Education
  15. Health and Medicine
  16. Deviance and Social Control
  17. Social Movements and Revolutions
  18. Environmental Sociology
  19. Population
  20. Globalization
  21. Crime and Punishment NEW

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