10 creepy cryptids you should know about

Charlotte Guest
Children walking in a neighbourhood wearing costumes

Cryptids are creatures that are often unseen and mysterious. They are shrouded in legends and stories that have been passed down for generations, making them a fascination for humans for centuries. If you're looking to add a little more creativity to your story writing, learning about these elusive beings can be a great way to do so. In today's post, we'll take a closer look at some examples of cryptids, to get your imagination racing.

What are cryptids?

Cryptids are mythical creatures or beings whose existence cannot be proven by science. Some may claim to have seen them but there's usually no solid proof of the encounter. They exist in folklore, mythology and urban legends. Cryptids can be found in cultures all around the world, from the Loch Ness Monster in Scotland to the Chupacabra in Latin America.

Here are ten cryptids you'll want to learn about this Halloween:


The Barghest is a ghostly black dog cryptid that appears in the folklore of Yorkshire and Lancashire. It is often associated with misfortune, and sightings of this ominous creature continue to be reported.


The Owlman is a humanoid creature with owl-like features such as red eyes, wings and feathers. Sightings of this mysterious creature have been reported around the village of Mawnan Smith in Cornwall, adding an eerie twist to local legend.

The Kraken

The Kraken is a legendary sea monster of gigantic size and octopus-like appearance, said to dwell in the deep sea and feasting on ships that are unfortunate enough to come across it. 

Water Leaper (Llamhigyn Y Dwr)

The Water Leaper, also known as the Linton Worm or Lindworm, is a Welsh cryptid believed to inhabit bodies of water such as ponds and rivers. Descriptions vary, but it is often depicted as a fearsome water-dwelling creature.

Shug Monkey

The Shug Monkey, also known as the Shug Monkey Beast, is a cryptid that is said to be part dog and part monkey. It has a grotesque appearance with shaggy fur, fangs, and the ability to emit a blood-curdling scream.

Bigfoot (also known as a Sasquatch)

Probably one of the most well-known examples of a cryptid, Bigfoot is described as a large, ape-like creature, often reported in remote forested areas.

The Lambton Worm

The Lambton Worm is a creature of myth from the legend of John Lambton. According to the story, John encountered a monstrous, serpentine creature in the River Wear in County Durham. This cryptid, depicted as either a giant worm or dragon, terrorized the local area.


Wendigos are believed to inhabit remote forests and desolate areas, particularly during winter. They are considered malevolent and bring death and misery to those who encounter them.

Beast of Bodmin Moor

The Beast of Bodmin Moor, also referred to as the Bodmin Beast, is a legendary feline or a large, black, panther-like animal that is believed to wander around the wilderness of Bodmin Moor in Cornwall. The sightings of this mysterious creature have puzzled the inhabitants and tourists for many years.


Bownessie is a serpent-like creature with a long neck that reportedly inhabits Lake Windermere in England's Lake District. The creature has been compared to the legendary Loch Ness monster.

The existence of these mysterious creatures remains a riddle, yet the tales and stories that surround them add an aura of mystique and wonder. Cryptids can be found in almost every culture, and you may start noticing patterns among them. Additionally, you may observe the use of these legends in media, particularly in the fantasy genre. They may not have the same names, but they are undoubtedly an obvious source of inspiration. 

Cryptids are not only subjects of curiosity, they are also valuable tools for crafting engaging narratives that resonate with readers and viewers alike. So whether you are an enthusiast of the unknown or simply enjoy a good supernatural tale, use these examples to ignite your creative storytelling and English writing skills. Try writing your very own story and see where your imagination takes you. 

Interested in storytelling, Sci-fi fantasy? Make sure to check out our blog post Books to improve your English: Sci-fi and fantasy edition.

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