CBT Teaching Experts: Dealing with stress

During this session, we will explore one of the most significant aspects that can help explain test outcomes.

We have all heard stories of a high-performing student who failed an exam and an average student who, for some reason, achieved a good grade. It is not only about what you know but also about how you manage the stress before and during an exam. Join us for a session on how to manage stress effectively before taking the computer-based test.

A female teacher teaching an online lesson and giving positive feedback to her students

During this session, we will explore one of the most significant aspects that can help explain test outcomes.

We have all heard stories of a high-performing student who failed an exam and an average student who, for some reason, achieved a good grade. It is not only about what you know but also about how you manage the stress before and during an exam. Join us for a session on how to manage stress effectively before taking the computer-based test.

Presenter(s): Bartłomiej Janiak


About Bartłomiej Janiak

Bartek has over a decade of experience in the education field, having graduated from the University of Lodz with a degree in English language teaching.

He began his career as an ELT Representative and is currently a Teacher Trainer and Senior Assessment Advisor at Pearson. In addition to his work, Bartek has a strong interest in the personal and professional development of individuals and has completed additional studies in coaching methods and psychology of motivation. He has also presented and conducted workshops at various educational and business events.

Bartlomiej Janiak

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