MyLab Marketing contributes to student success
Pearson | November 24, 2021 in Meaningful Outcomes
by Pearson
MyLab Marketing contributes to student success
In Fall 2017, Professor Sanjay Sisodiya from the University of Idaho in Moscow, ID, partnered with Pearson to investigate the impact of MyLab™ Marketing for Principles of Marketing by Kotler and Armstrong on student success in their Marketing course.
Researchers found that:
- Students earning an A, B, or C average exam grade had average MyLab scores 7 percentage points higher than students with a D or F average exam grade.
- Students who earned higher MyLab scores also earned higher final course letter grades.
- 86% of respondents on a Fall 2017 national survey reported that MyLab Marketing helped them achieve a higher grade on homework, exams, and/or the course.
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Why did Professor Sanjay Sisodiya adopt MyLab Marketing?
Prior to Fall 2017, Sisodiya found students were not systematically managing the course load but were instead cramming for tests. Hoping to challenge his students to be responsible for their own learning and success, he sought a digital course companion that would require students to complete homework prior to attending lecture on a routine basis, so in Fall 2017 he adopted MyLab Marketing.
How was MyLab Marketing implemented?
Marketing is a one-semester, three-credit, entry-level course. Students use MyLab for understanding content and homework assignments. Weekly homework assignments include chapter warm ups and Dynamic Study Modules, video questions, and marketing simulations which are due prior to lecture. MyLab assignments account for 40% of the total course grade.
Were students successful in the course?
Final course letter grades are associated with average MyLab scores.
- Students earning an A as their final course grade had an average MyLab score 62 percentage points higher than students who failed the course.
- Students earning an A, B, or C average exam grade had average MyLab scores 7 percentage points higher than students with a D or F average exam grade.
Did students like using MyLab Marketing?
Responses from the voluntary Fall 2017 national, end-of-semester MyLab Marketing survey indicates that the majority of responding students recognize the value of MyLab Marketing.
- 86% of respondents agreed that MyLab Marketing helped them achieve a higher grade on homework, exams, and/or the course.
- 92% of respondents who used the Dynamic Study Modules agreed that they were helpful for learning the core course concepts.
One student said:
“This is the second class I've taken that uses MyLab; its ease of use helps me get the highest possible grade. I hope that all of my future classes have this feature so that I can take advantage of all the available tools to succeed.”
Learn more about how MyLab Marketing could benefit your course