Find and Attract New Customers
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In this course, you will

  • Identify an opportunity 
    Identify an area in your business to find and attract customers and develop a plan with the support of your project advisor.
  • Use the right methods
    Gain a clear understanding of finding and attracting customers and apply a range of templates and toolkits to your guided project.
  • Develop relevant skills
    Develop and improve a selection of key skills relevant to finding and attracting customers.

5 steps to success

16-20 hours over 6+ weeks

Help is always available

Project advisor support

Invaluable insider insights from your project advisor.

Up to 3 hours of 1-2-1 support.

Guides & resources

Switch on to our online library to access authentic case studies, proven business models, and practice scenarios that will help you test and deliver your plan.

Up to 4 hours of content.

Examples of tools and templates you will be introduced to

Business factor assessment

Use a template to determine how much groundwork you'll need to do before you can begin your project.

The Golden Circle

Learn Simon Sinek's process to solidify the "why" of your business. What is your purpose?

The "Find" and "Attract" Circles

Gain insight into your target audience. Where are they, who are they, and what might they be reading, watching and doing.

If Only / What If?

Explore this model to help you identify and work through risks and issues that may arise in your project.

Power skills you will develop


Working with key stakeholders to create a holistic plan with the customer in mind. 


Sequencing and structuring your plan to complete your project objective.


Demonstrating problem solving, mitigating risks and remaining agile in your approach. 

Critical thinking

Using logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of approaches to finding and attracting customers.

Customer and market centricity

Understanding customer needs to decide how best to find and attract them to create lasting relationships.

On completion you will have

Discovered ways to find and attract customers

Demonstrated live project experience around a key opportunity in your business to find and attract customers.

Transferable skills to use across your business

Gained proficiency in critical skills fundamental to finding and attracting customers that supports your career development.

Resources you can turn to again and again

A structured business plan with templates that you can download and use in future projects.

Credly badge

A Credly badge that certifies your competence in finding and attracting new customers.

Want to get up to speed on how to find and attract new customers for your business?

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