Implement a Predictive Data Model
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In this course, you will

  • Identify an opportunity 
    Identify an area in your business to implement a predictive data model with the support of your project advisor.
  • Use the right methods
    Gain a clear understanding of implementing a predictive data model and apply a range of templates and toolkits to your guided project.
  • Develop relevant skills 
    Develop and improve a selection of key skills relevant to implementing a predictive data model in your business.

5 steps to success

16-20 hours over 6+ weeks

Help is always available

Project advisor support

Invaluable insider insights from your project advisor.

Up to 3 hours of 1-2-1 support.

Guides & resources

Switch on to our online library to access authentic case studies, proven business models, and practice scenarios that will help you test and deliver your plan.

Up to 4 hours of content.

Examples of tools and templates you will be introduced to

Stakeholder Engagement Map

A map used to identify the levels of interest and influence various stakeholders would have on a project. 

Mind Mapping

Non-linear graphical diagrams for representing tasks, words, concepts, or items linked to and arranged around a central concept or subject

Data Cleaning Tools

What data cleaning is and processes you can use to clean your datasets.

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

The process of combining statistics and charts to better understand your data.

Power skills you will develop


Apply principles of data cleaning to prepare your data before analysis.


Identify your audience and clearly explain your findings to them

Critical thinking

Examine your data to better understand it prior to analysis. Conduct exploratory data analysis to better interpret your data.

Customer and market centricity

Identify your customers or users and their stake in your project.

Evidence-based decision making

Select the best predictive models based on your data and business question.

Visualization and storytelling

Tell an interesting, data-driven story about your findings with engaging data visualizations.

On completion you will have

Discovered ways to implement a predictive data model

Demonstrated live project experience around a key opportunity in your business that adds to predictive data modelling.

Transferable skills to use across your business

Gained proficiency in critical skills fundamental to effecting a predictive data model that supports your career development.

Resources you can turn to again and again

A structured business plan with templates that you can download and use in future projects.

Credly badge

A Credly badge that certifies your competence in implementing prective data models.

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