Structure and Present an Idea
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In this course, you will

  • Identify an opportunity 
    Identify an area in your business to present ideas and develop a plan with the support of your project advisor.
  • Use the right methods
    Gain a clear understanding of structuring and presenting ideas and apply a range of templates and toolkits to your guided project.
  • Develop relevant skills 
    Develop and improve a selection of key skills relevant to structuring and presenting ideas.

5 steps to success

16-20 hours over 6+ weeks

Help is always available

Project advisor support

Invaluable insider insights from your project advisor.

Up to 3 hours of 1-2-1 support.

Guides & resources

Switch on to our online library to access authentic case studies, proven business models, and practice scenarios that will help you test and deliver your plan.

Up to 4 hours of content.

Examples of tools and templates you will be introduced to

SWOT Analysis

Use this situational analysis tool to help you understand where your company is now, so you can figure out what needs to be done to reach your end goals.

PESTLE Analysis

Understand the external factors affecting your company and think about which are important now and which are likely to be important in the future.

Business Model Canvas

Think about the various internal factors that might be affecting your company and how the different parts of the business interact.

Risk Register

Show your colleagues that you're aware of issues and challenges you might face with this project and explain how these risks can be mitigated.

Power skills you will develop


Engage in different ways to exchange information and convey meaning to achieve desired outcomes.


Engage others in order to shape and work towards the delivery of shared goals.


Approach tasks from new or alternative perspectives, making new connections in order to solve problems.

Critical thinking

Gathering, interpreting, evaluating, or using evidence in a thoughtful, intentional, and critical way.

Customer and market centricity

A deep understanding of the customer perspective and makes this central to your role, using market data to drive your decision-making.


Motivating a group of people to act toward achieving a common objective.

On completion you will have

Discovered ways to structure and present ideas

Demonstrated live project experience around a key opportunity in your business that adds to ideas presentation.

Transferable skills to use across your business

Gained proficiency in critical skills fundamental to structuring and presenting ideas that supports your career development.

Resources you can turn to again and again

A structured business plan with templates that you can download and use in future projects.

Credly badge

A Credly badge that certifies your competence in structuring and presenting ideas.

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