Discover Remote Monitoring with Versant

In any exam situation, security and candidate authentication are key considerations. Under normal circumstances, test centers provide employers and institutions with all the assurances they need to be able to accept the results of exams for professional purposes. 

However, schools and universities around the world have locked their doors and international test centers are being temporarily closed amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

This unexpected global state of alarm means that many employers and universities are struggling to offer their applicants qualifying tests during their recruitment and admissions processes. As a result, they have no real means of confirming whether their candidates have the required level of English, which may lead to missed job opportunities or lost university places.

Both corporate and university administrators are therefore looking for flexible, reliable and secure digital language assessment solutions. Corporations particularly need a layer of security built into their tests for recruiting activities and Higher Education institutions require an alternative means of remote testing solutions for their placement and entrance tests.

So are there viable alternatives to test center-based exams? 

Remote assessment with Versant

At Pearson, we offer an alternative assessment solution to help institutions and companies test the capabilities of their students, staff and applicants.

Versant is a series of flexible digital language assessments for adults and has a number of use cases:

How does the Versant test work?