Cognitive Psychology and Instruction (Custom Edition), 1st edition
Published by Pearson Learning Solutions (April 12, 2018) © 2018
- Roger H. Bruning University of Nebraska, Lincoln
- Gregory J. Schraw
- Monica M. Norby
VitalSource eTextbook
For undergraduate and graduate courses in cognition/instruction in education and in applied psychology departments.
This contemporary text uses cognitive psychology research to inform and improve classroom instruction. Developed on the landmark idea that knowledge of cognitive psychology gives teachers a deeper understanding of educational goals as well as an improved ability to design educational interventions that motivate and engage students.
Tying cognitive psychology and motivation theory with classroom practice, this best-selling text applies recent research findings to real-life teaching and student learning. Part One includes comprehensive coverage of the basic principles of cognitive psychology followed by an investigation of the role of beliefs and motivation in cognitive processes and learning in Part Two. Part Three of the text examines how cognitive and motivational research informs teaching and learning in specific content areas.
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