Design and Technology for Children, 3rd edition

Published by Pearson (June 1, 2014) © 2014

  • Marilyn Fleer University of Canberra , Monash University
  • Jane Beverley
  • Beverley Jane Monash University
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Research and practice, in design and technology education for Australian children and pre-service teachers.

Design and technology education is now an established field of study in primary schools and in many early childhood centres. Authors Marilyn Fleer and Beverley Jane offer the definitive text on this curriculum area.

Design and Technology for Children is a comprehensive and innovative account of teaching and research in design and technology education. It gives pre-service and in-service teachers opportunities to reflect upon and further develop their understanding of technology and technological knowledge, and to consider several different approaches in a practical and interactive way.

  • 1: The nature of technology and technological knowledge
  • 2: Children's experiences of technology: futures thinking and designing for sustainability
  • 3: Technology education curriculum
  • 4: Creativity and Design
  • 5: Popular culture and children's technological childhood
  • 6: Assessing children's technological knowledge and capabilities
  • 7: Cooperative technological learning and biotechnology
  • 8: Culturally-framed technology
  • 9: Teaching approaches: A framework for thinking about technology pedagogy
  • 10: Project Approach: Engaging in technology holistically

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