Detecting Accounting Fraud: Analysis and Ethics, Global Edition, 1st edition

Published by Pearson (April 17, 2015) © 2015

  • Cecil W. Jackson University of Southern California
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For courses in Accounting Fraud, Forensic Accounting, Financial Statement Fraud, Financial Statement Analysis, Ethics for Accountants, and Auditing.
Over the last two decades, financial statement fraud has become an increasingly serious issue, resulting in the collapse of ostensibly solid companies and a subsequent lack of confidence in financial markets. Detecting Accounting Fraud: Analysis and Ethics was created in response to the challenges facing accountants in this era.
The text provides students a thorough overview of the most frequently used methods of overstating earnings and assets or understating debt in financial statements. It also provides detailed coverage of the main signals indicating possible fictitious reporting in financial statements to help students learn what to look for. And because breakdowns in ethics underlie accounting fraud, the text presents three major theories of ethics, plus applicable ethical decision-making models as well as opportunities for students to apply ethical models to real-world situations.

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  • 1. Introduction to the Problem of Fictitious Financial Reporting
  • 2. Making Ethical Decisions in the Business World
  • 3. The Sizzling Saga of Sunbeam
  • 4. Hocus Pocus
  • 5. WorldCom Wizardry: From WorldCom to WorldCon  
  • 6. Abracadabra
  • 7. Enron and the Tale of the Golden Goose
  • 8. Tall Tales
  • 9. Mortgage Mayhem

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