Foundations of Decision Analysis, Global Edition, 1st edition
Published by Pearson (December 9, 2015) © 2016
- Ali E. Abbas University of Southern California
- Ronald A. Howard Stanford University
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For courses in Decision Making and Engineering.
The Fundamentals of Analyzing and Making Decisions
Foundations of Decision Analysis is a groundbreaking text that explores the art of decision making, both in life and in professional settings. By exploring themes such as dealing with uncertainty and understanding the distinction between a decision and its outcome, the First Edition teaches students to achieve clarity of action in any situation.
The book treats decision making as an evolutionary process from a scientific standpoint. Strategic decision-making analysis is presented as a tool to help students understand, discuss, and settle on important life choices. Through this text, students will understand the specific thought process that occurs behind approaching any decision to make easier and better life choices for themselves.
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