Human Resource Management: A Contemporary Approach, 8th edition

Published by Pearson (July 13, 2017) © 2017

  • Julie Beardwell De Montfort University
  • Amanda Thompson De Montford University, Leicester
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This highly engaging, bestselling textbook, now in its eighth edition offers a comprehensive examination of contemporary human resource management issues and debates. Aimed at undergraduate, postgraduate and MBA students, this title provides an authoritative source for students of CIPD Advanced qualifications.

Brief Contents

Guided tour


Plan of the book

How to use this book



Part 1 Human Resource Management and its Organisational Context

Introduction to Part 1

  1. An Introduction to Human Resource Management
  2. Strategic Human Resource Management
  3. Contextualising HRM

Part 2 Resourcing the Organisation

Introduction to Part 2

  1. HRM and the Labour Market
  2. Talent Management
  3. Managing Equality and Diversity

Part 3 Developing the Human Resource

Introduction to Part 3

  1. Learning and Development
  2. Leadership and Management Development
  3. Organisational Development

Part 4 The Employment Relationship

  1. The Employment Relationship and Employee Rights at Work
  2. Employment
  3. Performance Management
  4. Employee Reward
  5. Employee Voice

Part 5 Comparative Human Resource Management

  1. Comparative HRM in the Context of Financialization, Financial Crisis and Brexit
  2. Employment Relations in Emerging Economies: China and India

Glossary of terms and abbreviations


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