Media Law: Text, Cases and Materials, 1st edition

Published by Pearson (December 18, 2013) © 2014

  • Eric Barendt University College London
  • Jason Bosland Melbourne Law School
  • Rachael Craufurd-Smith University of Edinburgh
  • Lesley Hitchens University of Technology, Sydney
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This book differs from others on media law by emphasising the increasingly important regulatory and European aspects, giving less prominence to more traditional common law topics. The authors adopt a comparative approach, drawing upon material from the USA and Commonwealth jurisdictions, as well as examining relevant aspects of Human Rights law. The commentary provided is comprehensive and critical, introducing students to the wide range of technical and policy questions which are posed in the field of media law.  The commentary includes reflective questions for students.

  • 1. The principles of media law  
  • 2. Regulation of the press
  • 3. Broadcasting structure and regulation 
  • 4. Programme regulation 
  • 5. European media law
  • 6. Advertising regulation  
  • 7. Media ownership and plurailty   
  • 8. Competition law 
  • 9. Convergence  
  • 10. Defamation 
  • 11. Privacy and breach of confidence 
  • 12. Contempt of court 
  • 13. Reporting legal proceedings 
  • 14. Investigative journalism: access to information and the privilege not to disclose sources

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