Organization Theory: Challenges and Perspectives, 2nd edition

Published by Pearson (December 18, 2013) © 2014

  • John McAuley Sheffield Business School, Sheffield Hallam University
  • Philip Johnson Sheffield Hallam University
  • Joanne Duberley Birmingham University
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This book addresses fundamental questions such as what is organisation theory and why does it matter. It explores the historical development of organisation theory from its origins right up to present-day debates. It asks what challenges it presents to contemporary organisations, and explores the solutions it can provide.

Organization Theory brings a fresh approach to long-standing questions and is aimed at undergraduate and postgraduate students for whom the study of organisational theory or analysis is an integral part of their degree programme.

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  • Chapter 1: Organization theory: challenges and perspectives
  • Chapter 2: Organization theory: what is it, and why does it matter?
  • Chapter 3: Modernist organization theory: back to the future?
  • Chapter 4: Neo-modernist organization theory: putting people first?
  • Chapter 5: Neo-modernist organization theory: surfing the new wave?
  • Chapter 6: From Classical beginnings to New Wave leadership and management: the evolution of management theory
  • Chapter 7: Postmodernist organization theory: new organizational forms for a new millennium?
  • Chapter 8: Postmodernism as a philosophy: the ultimate challenge to organization theory?
  • Chapter 9: Reflective organization theory: symbols, meanings and interpretations
  • Chapter 10: Reflexive organization theory: critical theory, psychoanalysis, and feminist organization theory
  • Chapter 11: Perspectives and challenges

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