Organizational Theory, Design, and Change, Global Edition, 7th edition

Published by Pearson (November 6, 2013) © 2014

  • Gareth R. Jones Texas A&M University
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For undergraduate and graduate courses in Organization Theory, Organizational Design, and Organizational Change/Development.
Business is changing at break-neck speed so managers must be increasingly active in reorganising their firms to gain a competitive edge.
Organizational Theory, Design, and Change
 continues to provide students with the most up-to-date and contemporary treatment of the way managers attempt to increase organisational effectiveness. By making organisational change the centerpiece in a discussion of organisational theory and design, this text stands apart from other books on the market.

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  • Part 1: The Organization and Its Environment 
  • Chapter 1: Organizations and Organizational Effectiveness 
  • Chapter 2: Stakeholders, Managers, and Ethics 
  • Chapter 3: Organizing in a Changing Global Environment 
  • Part 2: Organizational Design 
  • Chapter 4: Basic Challenges of Organizational Design 
  • Chapter 5: Designing Organizational Structure: Authority and Control 
  • Chapter 6: Designing Organizational Structure: Specialization and Coordination 
  • Chapter 7: Creating and Managing Organizational Culture 
  • Chapter 8: Organizational Design and Strategy in a Changing Global Environment 
  • Chapter 9: Organizational Design, Competences, and Technology 
  • Part 3: Organizational Change 
  • Chapter 10: Types and Forms of Organizational Change 
  • Chapter 11: Organizational Transformations: Birth, Growth, Decline, and Death 
  • Chapter 12: Decision Making, Learning, Knowledge Management, and Information Technology 
  • Chapter 13: Innovation, Intrapreneurship, and Creativity 
  • Chapter 14: Managing Conflict, Power, and Politics 

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