Seven Strategies of Assessment for Learning, 2nd edition

Published by Pearson (July 1, 2014) © 2015

  • Jan Chappuis Pearson Assessment Training Institute
  • Rick J. Stiggins Pearson Assessment Training Institute
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This book presents seven strategies structured around three essential questions–Where am I going? Where am I now? and How can I close the gap?–to give teachers quality, research-based recommendations about assessment practices for improving student achievement. The book is sequenced to help teachers easily weave formative assessment practices into daily teaching and assessment activities at all levels.

The first chapter introduces the strategies and the research base for formative assessment practices. The remaining chapters explain each strategy in detail, provide a research-based rationale for using the strategy, describe how the strategy can be applied in contexts ranging from kindergarten through high school in a range of subject areas, and offer instructions for carrying out core procedures and suggestions for adaptations. The seven strategies synthesise the best thinking in the field about high-impact formative assessment practices and provide a practical classroom framework for using assessment to grow learning.

  • Chapter 1: Assessment in Support of Learning
  • Chapter 2: Where Am I Going? Clear Learning Targets
  • Chapter 3: Where Am I Now? Effective Feedback
  • Chapter 4: Where Am I Now? Self-Assessment and Goal Setting
  • Chapter 5: How Can I Close the Gap? Diagnosing Needs for Focused Instruction
  • Chapter 6: How Can I Close the Gap? Focused Practice and Revision
  • Chapter 7: Tracking, Reflecting On, and Sharing Learning

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