Social Policy in the Post-Welfare State: Australian Society in a Changing World, 3rd edition

Published by Pearson (December 6, 2016) © 2017

  • Adam Jamrozik
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Social Policy in the Post-Welfare State presents an in-depth discussion of recent developments in social policy in Australia.

The text continues the study of social policy from a coherently formulated theoretical perspective, building arguments and discussion points using the latest census data and Australian welfare statistics. It interprets policies and related events and invites readers’ critical reception. This analysis of current social policy is essential reading for any social policy student in Australia and for professionals engaged in the administration of policy and service delivery. The structure of the content makes the book suitable as a text for a semester course on social policy.

  • 1: Social policy and the concept of welfare
  • 2: Social policy in a ‘free-market’ economy
  • 3: Issues and dimensions of social policy
  • 4: Social policy in Australia
  • 5: Australia in the new century
  • 6: Income security
  • 7: The labour market and industrial relations
  • 8: Health
  • 9: Education
  • 10: Families and children
  • 11: Urban environment, housing and community services
  • 12: The law and social order
  • 13: The post-welfare state and its future

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