Strategic Communication: Cases in Marketing, Public Relations, Advertising and Media, 1st edition

Published by Pearson (February 1, 2012) © 2012

  • Steven Greenland
  • Rob Gill
  • Chris Galloway
  • Jason Bainbridge
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Strategic Communications: Cases in Marketing, Public Relations, Advertising and Media provides a collection of 13 comprehensive, contemporary case studies for use in Advertising, Marketing, PR and Media courses with a focus on Australia, New Zealand and the wider Asia Pacific region.
In the past it has been the norm for these disciplines to remain distinct entities. However, with growing recognition and emergence of the all encompassing theme of communication in the contemporary business arena, modern professionals need to be skilled in all these communication related areas.
Edited by an expert multi-disciplinary group of communications specialists, Strategic Communications will help lecturers provide their students with a solid grounding in the theoretical and practical aspects of contemporary business communication practices.
  • 1. Does plain packaging spell death for cigarette brands in Australia and beyond?
  • 2. ‘Where’s the harm, dude?’ Taking the ‘party’ out of ‘party drugs’ with anti-drugs communications?
  • 3. It’s all in the design: How IKEA makes you buy with clever store design.
  • 4. Justin Bieber: A case study on celebrity and the participatory culture of YouTube
  • 5. Freeview: A case study in television's survival in the post-broadcast era
  • 6. Wikileaks and Journalism in the 21st century
  • 7. Aviva solar car: Using ‘green sponsorship’ to enhance CSR reputation
  • 8. Managing the risk of trouble in the tap: Desalination and ‘drought-proofing’ Melbourne
  • 9. An Udderly Fantastic online campaign: How the Australian Diary Industry use online social networking for community relations and issues in management
  • 10. eftpos: The building of a brand
  • 11. Licensed to sell: Product placement in the James Bond film series
  • 12. The mother of all scare campaigns: The role of advertising in the miner’s campaign to defeat the Resources Super Profits Tax (RSPT)
  • 13. Making it work!

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