Economics for Life: Making Smart Choices, 3rd edition

Avi Cohen (York University) and Scott Wolla (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis)

A dynamic approach to teaching economics that goes beyond traditional methods.

Economics for Life is suited for one-semester principles of economics courses and offers instructors a unique toolkit to cultivate economically literate students who excel not only in the classroom but also in their personal and professional lives.

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Economics for Life 3rd edition includes a wide range of traditional concepts/techniques for you to choose from.

You choose what to include or exclude in your literacy-targeted approach.

Economics for Life 3rd edition includes 18 chapters to allow instructors to select a manageable set of chapters to fit their specific course. Typically, 12 chapters can be covered in one term, depending on the number of weeks you have. You can select the applicable chapters according to your preferred focus:

  • Balanced Micro and Macro (6 micro, 6 macro):  For micro, Chapters 1–6, and for macro, Chapters 13–18
  • More Micro Focus (8 micro, 4 macro): For micro, Chapters 1–7, 9, and for macro, Chapters 12–15
  • More Macro Focus (5 micro, 7 macro): For micro, Chapters 1–5, and for macro, Chapters 12–18

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