Headings and Labels - Success Criterion 2.4.6 (Level AA)
Are headings and labels in your site or application clear and descriptive?
Why is this important?
Headings and labels that are clear and descriptive enable users to understand what information is contained on a page and how the page is organized. Concise and meaningful labels also help users identify specific components within the content.
Whom does it benefit?
Example 1
As a person using a screen reader,
I want headings and labels to be descriptive and meaningful
so that I can identify the type of content on the page.
Example 2
As a person with a cognitive disability,
I want headings to be short, clear, and descriptive
so that I can quickly scan the page to identify the content within each section.
What should you do?
- Provide headings that are short, clear, and describe the content.
- Label all elements such as navigation bars, sidebar widgets, forms, tables, and search boxes.
How do you do it?
Identify the main subject of each section and write a short, clear heading that provides an overview of the content.
Ensure all elements and sections within the site or application are clearly labeled.
Need technical guidance?
Technical guidance is available for implementing this Success Criterion at the Understanding Success Criterion 2.4.6: Headings and Labels page.
Additional resources to help you
- Web Accessibility Headings Tutorials - W3C tutorials
- Web Accessibility Labeling Regions Tutorials - W3C tutorials