C++ in 24 Hours, Sams Teach Yourself, 6th edition
Published by Sams Publishing (August 2, 2016) © 2017
- Rogers Cadenhead
- Jesse Liberty
VitalSource eTextbook
Price Reduced From: $47.95 AUD
- Step-by-step instructions carefully walk you through the most common C++ programming tasks
- Quizzes and exercises at the end of each chapter help you test yourself to make sure you’re ready to go on
- Install and use a C++ compiler for Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux
- Build object-oriented programs in C++
- Master core C++ concepts such as functions and classes
- Add rich functionality with templates and lambda expressions
- Debug your programs for flawless code
- Learn exception and error-handling techniques
- Put to use the new features in C++14, the latest version of the language
- Create and use templates
- Control program flow with loops
- Store information in arrays and strings
- Declare and use pointers
- Use operator overloading
- Extend classes with inheritance
- Use polymorphism and derived classes
- Employ object-oriented analysis and design
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