Cisco Digital Network Architecture: Intent-based Networking for the Enterprise, 1st edition
Published by Cisco Press (December 27, 2018) © 2019
- Tim Szigeti
- David Zacks
- Matthias Falkner
- Simone Arena
Price Reduced From: $60.95 AUD
This book is supported with regular online updates at a Cisco Press DNA website, offering a single authoritative source for everyone involved with DNA planning, implementation, and operation. Authored by insiders responsible for helping Cisco’s largest customers succeed with DNA, it:
- Addresses emerging trends now driving business transformation
- Explains why networks must become radically more intelligent, flexible, and adaptable
- Shows how DNA empowers businesses by coherently integrating virtualisation, automation, analytics, and cloud services.
- Authoritative and fully up-to-date, Cisco Digital Network Architecture will help technical professionals, decision-makers, and consultants prepare to drive maximum value from next-generation networking.
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