Contemporary Logic Design, 2nd edition

Published by Pearson (December 15, 2004) © 2005

  • Randy H. Katz University of California, Berkeley
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In the past ten years there has been a revolution in the practice of hardware design. Professionals now rely on CAD software, rapid prototyping, and programmable logic devices to streamline the design process. Contemporary Logic Design is the first text to address these changes – and to offer a truly modern introduction to logic design. Throughout, the author complements his presentation of logic design theory with discussions of current design technologies. Approximately 60% of the book presents new material; the remainder has been re-organized and partially re-written to correspond to the organizational changes.  

1. Introduction

1.1 Dissecting the Title

1.2 A Brief History of Logic Design

1.3 Computation

1.4 Examples

2. Combinational Logic

2.1 Outputs as a Function of Inputs

2.2 Laws and Theorems of Boolean Logic

2.3 Realizing Boolean Formulas

2.4 Two-Level Logic

2.5 Motivation for Two-Level Simplification

2.6 Multi-level Logic

2.7 Motivation for Multi-Level Minimization

3. Working with Combinational Logic

3.1 Two-Level Simplification

3.2 Automating Two-level Simplification

3.3 Multi-level Simplification

3.4 Automating Multi-level Simplification

3.5 Time Response in Combinational Networks

3.6 Hardware Description Languages

4. Combinational Logic Technologies

4.1 History

4.2 Basic Logic Components

4.3 Two-Level and Multi-Level Logic

4.4 Non-gate Logic

5. Case Studies in Combinational Logic Design

5.1 Design Procedure

5.2 A Simple Process Line Control Problem

5.3 Telephone Keypad Decoder

5.4 Leap Year Calculation

5.5 Logic Function Unit

5.6 Adder Design

5.7 Arithmetic Logic Unit Design

5.8 Combinational Multiplier

6. Sequential Logic

6.1 Sequential Logic Elements

6.2 Timing Methodologies

6.3 Registers

7. Finite State Machines

7.1 Counters

7.2 The Concept of the State Machine

7.3 Basic Design Approach

7.4 Motivation for Optimization

8. Working with Finite State Machines

8.1 State Minimization/Reduction

8.2 State Assignment

8.3 Finite State Machine Partitioning

8.4 Hardware Description Languages

9. Sequential Logic Technologies

9.1 Basic Sequential Logic Components

9.2 FSM Design with Counters

9.3 FSM Design with Programmable Logic

9.4 FSM Design with More Sophisticated Programmable Logic

9.5 Case Study: Traffic Light Controller

10. Case Studies in Sequential Logic Design

10.1 A Finite String Recognizer

10.2 A Complex Counter

10.3 A Digital Combination Lock

10.4 A Memory Controller

10.5 A Sequential Multiplier

10.6 A Serial Line Transmitter/Receiver

11. Computer Organization

11.1 Structure of a Computer

11.2 Busing Strategies

11.3 Finite State Machines for Simple CPUs

12. Controller Implementation

12.1 Random Logic

12.2 Time State (Divide and Conquer)

12.3 Jump Counter

12.4 Branch Sequencers

12.5 Microprogramming


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