Documenting Software Architectures: Views and Beyond, 2nd edition
Published by Addison-Wesley Professional (October 5, 2010) © 2011
- Paul Clements
- Felix Bachmann
- Len Bass Software Engineering Institute
- David Garlan
- James Ivers Software Engineering Institute
- Reed Little
- Paulo Merson
- Robert Nord Software Engineering Institute
- Judith Stafford
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Documenting Software Architectures provides the most complete and current guidance, independent of language or notation, on how to capture an architecture in a commonly understandable form. Drawing on their extensive experience, the authors first help you decide what information to document, and then, with guidelines and examples (in various notations, including UML), show you how to express an architecture so that others can successfully build, use, and maintain a system from it. The book features rules for sound documentation, the goals and strategies of documentation, architectural views and styles, documentation for software interfaces and software behaviour, and templates for capturing and organising information to generate a coherent package.
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