Managing your Team Through Change, 1st edition

Published by Pearson (November 27, 2014) © 2015

  • Richard Newton
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How do you make change work?

What skills and resources do you need?

From understanding and planning, to implementing and assessing the impact, this book covers all aspects of managing change using simple, practical steps and strategies, each one of which has been developed, tested and proven to work.

Managing your Team through Change will expertly guide you step by step through the entire change process so you can deliver the required outcomes whilst keeping your team and other stakeholders on board throughout.

  • Understand the nature and complexities of the change process
  • Define and develop a customised change plan and schedule
  • Effectively communicate with, motivate and manage your team through the process   
Everything you need to think about, know and do to manage change effectively

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  • 1.    Understand the journey and your role in it
  • 2.    Start from the right place
  • 3.    Finding clarity, making clarity
  • 4.    Identifying changes
  • 5.    Plan the change
  • 6.    Change and do the day job
  • 7.    Adapting to and adopting change
  • 8.    Talking about change
  • 9.  Arrive, sustain and move on
  • Appendix 1: Summary questions
  • Appendix 2: The executive’s role
  • Appendix 3:   Increasing your knowledge and getting help
  • Appendix 4:  Join the community

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