Multinational Business Finance, Global Edition, 15th edition
Published by Pearson (December 18, 2020) © 2021
- David K. Eiteman Retired; UCLA Anderson
- Arthur I. Stonehill Retired; Oregon State University
- Michael H. Moffett Thunderbird School of Global Management at Arizona State University
Price Reduced From: $79.95 AUD
Price Reduced From: $177.95 AUD
Authoritative, comprehensive coverage of contemporary international finance
Renowned for its authoritative, comprehensive coverage of contemporary international finance, Multinational Business Finance trains the leaders of tomorrow’s multinational enterprises to recognise and capitalise on the unique characteristics of global markets. Because the job of a manager is to make financial decisions that increase a firm’s value, the authors have embedded real-world mini-cases throughout to apply chapter concepts to the types of situations managers of multinational firms face. The 15th Edition attempts to capture the rapid evolution of our global marketplace, taking a closer look at the types of organisations that permeate the widespread arena, competition, and opportunities in emerging markets, and how financial leadership can integrate the strategic and financial challenges that global businesses face today.
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