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Probability & Statistics for Engineers & Scientists, Global Edition, 9th edition
Published by Pearson (January 27, 2023) © 2023
- Ronald E. Walpole Roanoke College , Virginia Polytechnic Institute
- Raymond H. Myers Virginia Polytechnic Institute
- Sharon L. Myers
$58.46 AUD
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$118.46 AUD
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$79.95 AUD
Hallmark Features
- The balance between theory and applications offers mathematical support to enhance coverage when necessary, giving engineers and scientists the proper mathematical context for statistical tools and methods.
- Mathematical level: this text assumes one semester of differential and integral calculus as a prerequisite.
- Calculus is confined to elementary probability theory and probability distributions
- Matrix algebra is used modestly in coverage of linear regression material
- Linear algebra and the use of matrices are applied in Chapters 11–15, where treatment of linear regression and analysis of variance is covered.
- Compelling exercise sets challenge students to use the concepts to solve problems that occur in many real-life scientific and engineering situations. Many exercises contain real data from studies in the fields of biomedical, bioengineering, business, computing, etc.
- Real-life applications of the Poisson, binomial, and hypergeometric distributions generate student interest using topics such as flaws in manufactured copper wire, highway potholes, hospital patient traffic, airport luggage screening, and homeland security.
- Statistical software coverage in the following case studies includes SAS® and MINITAB®, with screenshots and graphics as appropriate:
- Two-sample hypothesis testing
- Multiple linear regression
- Analysis of variance
- Use of two-level factorial-experiments
- Interaction plots provide examples of scientific interpretations and new exercises using graphics.
- Topic outline
- Chapter 1: elementary overview of statistical inference
- Chapters 2–4: basic probability; discrete and continuous random variables
- Chapters 2–10: probability distributions and statistical inferences
- Chapters 5–6: specific discrete and continuous distributions with illustrations of their use and relationships among them
- Chapter 7: optional chapter covering the transformation of random variables.
- Chapter 8: additional materials on graphical methods; an important introduction to the notion of sampling distribution
- Chapters 9–10: one and two sample point and interval estimation
- Chapters 11–15: linear regression; analysis of variance
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