RF Microelectronics, 2nd edition

Published by Pearson (September 22, 2011) © 2012

  • Behzad Razavi UCLA, Los Angeles, California
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RF Microelectronics teaches RF analysis and design systematically, one step at a time, taking readers all the way from specification through practical solution. Behzad Razavi has thoroughly revised his classic text to incorporate the latest developments in RF architecture, circuits, and devices, and to cover all key topics in greater detail. This edition's stronger tutorial focus will make it even more valuable to students, and its more systematic coverage of the latest technologies will make it indispensable to practicing engineers.

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  • Chapter 1: Introduction to RF and Wireless Technology
  • Chapter 2: Basic Concepts in RF Design
  • Chapter 3: Communication Concepts
  • Chapter 4: Transceiver Architectures
  • Chapter 5: Low-Noise Amplifiers
  • Chapter 6: Mixers
  • Chapter 7: Passive Devices
  • Chapter 8: Oscillators
  • Chapter 9: Phase-Locked Loops
  • Chapter 10: Integer-N Frequency Synthesizers
  • Chapter 11: Fractional-N Synthesizers
  • Chapter 12: Power Amplifiers
  • Chapter 13: Transceiver Design Example

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