High-Acuity Nursing, 7th edition

Published by Pearson (January 9, 2018) © 2019

  • Kathleen Dorman Wagner University of Kentucky, Lexington
  • Melanie Hardin-Pierce University of Maryland
  • Darlene Welsh
  • Karen Johnson University of Maryland


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For courses in critical care, acute care nursing and advanced medical-surgical nursing.

Complete guide to high-acuity nursing in all care settings

High-Acuity Nursing delivers the comprehensive knowledge needed to care for adult patients with complex, unpredictable conditions. The text considers specialized needs across settings, from high-skill, long-term facilities to critical care units. Emphasizing the relationship between pathophysiology and the nursing process, the authors challenge students to think critically to reach optimal clinical decisions for high-acuity patients.

All chapters of the 7th Edition have been updated, and many have been reorganized and expanded. A new chapter focuses on palliative care and end-of-life issues. Quality and safety, along with genetic considerations, are the focus of new features.

Hallmark features of this title

Topics integral to high-acuity nursing

  • All facets of high-acuity care, in all settings, are covered. This includes assessments, diagnostic testing and collaborative management.
  • Emphasis on the pathophysiologic bases of disease helps learners understand disease manifestations and treatment rationales.

Effective organization and pedagogy

  • Each chapter is divided into small sections covering one facet each of the chapter's topic.
  • A self-paced, active-learning approach, combined with concise writing and a user-friendly format, help students navigate the content efficiently and confidently.
  • Section quizzes and chapter post-tests help learners gauge their mastery of concepts.

New and updated features of this title

Content updates, across all chapters

  • NEW: A new chapter on palliative care and end-of-life issues has been added.
  • NEW: New features addressing quality, safety and genetic considerations have been added where appropriate.
  • UPDATED: All chapters have been updated, and many have been reorganized and expanded.

Practical applications

  • REVISED: NCLEX®-style post-tests have been revised to reflect content changes.
  • REVISED: Emerging Evidence boxes prepare students to apply the latest research findings in high-acuity clinical care.

1. High-Acuity Nursing
2. Holistic Care of the Patient and Family
3. Palliative and End-of-life Care
4. The Older Adult High-Acuity Patient

5. Acute Pain Management
6. Nutrition Support
7. Mechanical Ventilation
8. Basic Hemodynamic Monitoring
9. Basic Cardiac Rhythm Monitoring
10. Complex Wound Management

11. Determinants and Assessment of Pulmonary Function
12. Alterations in Pulmonary Function

13. Determinants and Assessment of Cardiac Function
14. Alterations in Cardiac Function
15. Alterations in Myocardial Tissue Perfusion

16. Determinants and Assessment of Cerebral Function
17. Mentation and Sensory Motor Complications of Acute Illness
18. Acute Stroke Injury
19. Traumatic Brain Injury
20. Acute Spinal Cord Injury

21. Determinants and Assessment of Gastrointestinal Function
22. Alterations in Gastrointestinal Function
23. Alterations in Liver Function
24. Alterations in Pancreatic Function

25. Determinants and Assessment of Fluid and Electrolyte Balance
26. Alterations in Fluid and Electrolyte Balance
27. Alterations in Kidney Function

28. Determinants and Assessment of Hematologic Function
29. Alterations in Red Blood Cell Function and Hemostasis
30. Alterations in White Blood Cell Function and Oncologic Emergencies

31. Determinants and Assessment of Nutrition and Metabolic Function
32. Metabolic Response to Stress
33. Diabetic Crises

34. Determinants and Assessment of Oxygenation
35. Multiple Trauma
36. Acute Burn Injury
37. Shock States
38. Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome
39. Solid Organ and Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation

About our authors

Kathleen Wagner, EdD, MSN, RN, is now faculty emerita, having recently retired from the University of Kentucky College of Nursing after many years of teaching pathophysiology, pathopharmacology and high-acuity nursing to undergraduate nursing students. She was also the educational consultant for the undergraduate nursing program at the University of Kentucky. She has a doctorate in instructional systems design and continues to work on a team developing web-based clinical simulations for nursing students.

Melanie Hardin-Pierce, DNP, RN, APRN, ACNP-BC, is a tenured associate professor in the University of Kentucky College of Nursing, where she has over 30 years of experience as a critical care nurse and has taught high-acuity nursing to undergraduate and graduate nursing students. She currently teaches in the Doctor of Nursing Practice program and is the coordinator of the Adult Geriatric Acute Care Nurse Practitioner DNP Option. In addition to teaching, she has been active in curriculum development in both baccalaureate and graduate nursing programs. She earned her Doctor of Nursing Practice degree at the University of Kentucky, having studied oral health in mechanically ventilated patients. She is a board-certified acute care nurse practitioner who practices as a critical care intensivist in the Veterans Health Administration Medical Center, Cooper Drive Division, Lexington. She is active in research of evidence-based practice, interdisciplinary collaboration, and critically ill, mechanically ventilated patients.

Darlene Welsh, PhD, MSN, RN, is Associate Professor, BSN Program Director, and Assistant Dean of Undergraduate Faculty Affairs at the University of Kentucky College of Nursing. Dr. Welsh earned a PhD in Educational Psychology and an MS in Nursing from the University of Kentucky. Her experience in the care of critically ill patients includes direct patient care, the conduct of research, and supervision of undergraduate and graduate students. Her research interests center on the provision of dietary instruction for patients with heart failure as well as interprofessional education for clinicians.

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