Part 1: Introduction to Art
Chapter 1: The Role of Art in Society and in the Schools
Chapter 2: Art as Art: The Design Fundamentals
Part 2 Teachers and Teaching
Chapter 3: The Teacher’s Role: Strategies and Management
Chapter 4: Motivating Learning
Chapter 5: Creating and Evaluating Objectives
Part 3: Integrating Art into the Classroom
Chapter 6: Integration in the Three Domains: Cognitive, Affective, and Psychomotor
Chapter 7: Art and Social Studies: Understanding the Contextual Approach to the Visual Culture
Chapter 8: Art and Literacy: Reading and Language Arts
Chapter 9: Art and Mathematics
Chapter 10: Art and Science
Chapter 11: Art and The Performing Arts
Chapter 12: Teaching Art to Children with Special Needs
Chapter 13: Teaching Art to Students Who Are Gifted
Part 4: Creating an Art Curriculum
Chapter 14: Cognitive and Psychological Factors in Children’s Learning and Creative Development
Chapter 15: A Sequential Curriculum for Kindergarten
Chapter 16: A Sequential Curriculum for Grades 1 and 2
Chapter 17: A Sequential Curriculum for Grades 3 and 4
Chapter 18: A Sequential Curriculum for Grades 5 and 6
Chapter 19: A Sequential Curriculum for Grades 7 and 8
PART 5: Appreciating Art and Visual Culture: Art History, Criticism, and Aesthetics
Chapter 20: Teaching Art Appreciation: From Picture Study t to Visual Culture
Chapter 21: Teaching Art History
Chapter 22: Teaching Art Criticism and Aesthetics
Part 6: Teaching Art Production
Chapter 23: Drawing
Chapter 24: Crayon and Oil Pastel
Chapter 25: Painting
Chapter 26: Paper Projects in Two Dimensions
Chapter 27: Printmaking
Chapter 28: Computer Art, Digital Photography, Video, and the Web
Chapter 29: Three-Dimensional Design
Chapter 30: Crafts
Chapter 31: Clay Modeling