12. Engineering and Mechanics.
Engineering and Mechanics. Learning Mechanics. Fundamental Concepts. Units. Newtonian Gravitation.
13. Motion of a Point.
Position, Velocity, and Acceleration. Straight-Line Motion. Curvilinear Motion.
14. Force, Mass, and Acceleration.
Newton's Second Law. Equation of Motion for the Center of Mass. Inertial Reference Frames. Applications. Orbital Mechanics. Numerical Solutions.
15. Energy Methods.
Work and Kinetic Energy. Principle of Work and Energy. Work and Power. Work Done by Particular Forces. Potential Energy. Conservation of Energy. Conservative Forces. Relationship between Force and Potential Energy.
16. Momentum Methods.
Principle of Impulse and Momentum. Conservation of Linear Momentum. Impacts. Angular Momentum. Mass Flows.
17. Planar Kinematics of Rigid Bodies.
Rigid Bodies and Types of Motion. Rotation about a Fixed Axis. General Motions: Velocities. General Motions: Accelerations. Sliding Contacts. Moving Reference Frames.
18. Planar Dynamics of Rigid Bodies.
Preview of the Equations of Motion. Momentum Principles for a System of Particles. Derivation of the Equations of Motion. Applications. Numerical Solutions. Appendix: Moments of Inertia.
19. Energy and Momentum in Rigid-Body Dynamics.
Principle of Work and Energy. Kinetic Energy. Work and Potential Energy. Power. Principles of Impulse and Momentum. Impacts.
20. Three-Dimensional Kinematics and Dynamics of Rigid Bodies.
Kinematics. Euler's Equations. The Euler Angles. Appendix: Moments and Products of Inertia.
21. Vibrations 506
Conservative Systems. Damped Vibrations. Forced Vibrations.
Appendix A.
Review of Mathematics.
Appendix B.
Properties of Areas and Lines.
Appendix C.
Properties of Volumes and Homogeneous Objects.
Appendix D.
Spherical Coordinates.
Appendix E.
D'Alembert's Principle.