Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology, 12th edition

Published by Pearson (March 5, 2023) © 2024

  • Frederic H Martini University of Hawaii
  • Judi L. Nath Pennsylvania State University
  • Edwin F. Bartholomew Lahainaluna High School


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For courses in 2-semester A&P.

Making A&P meaningful, manageable and comprehensible

Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology addresses the needs of today's A&P students with an easy-to-understand narrative, precise visuals and steadfast accuracy. The authors incorporate research that explores how students use and process visual information, guiding them through complex figures to deconstruct and better understand complicated processes.

The 12th Edition delivers thoroughly updated content and enhanced art and figures to provide the most recent research and to support student learning. An extensive diversity, equity and inclusion review ensures the content reflects the experiences of all students.

Hallmark features of this title

  • Side-by-Side Figures provide multiple views of the same structure, pairing an illustration with a cadaver photo and comparing a drawing to an actual photo from the laboratory or operating room.
  • Step-by-Step Figures show multifaceted processes as step-by-step illustrations that follow the narrative descriptions.
  • Macro-to-Micro Figures bridge the gap between familiar and unfamiliar structures of the body, sequencing anatomical views from whole organs or structures to their smaller parts.
  • Clinical Cases open the chapter with a story-based case and conclude with a Clinical Case Wrap-Up that incorporates knowledge gained from the chapter.
  • Build-Your-Knowledge features show how each body system influences others and how all body systems work together to maintain homeostasis.

New and updated features of this title

  • REVISED: Select Spotlight Figures now provide vertical orientation for viewing on mobile devices. The highly visual figures feature 1- and 2-page presentations of tough A&P topics that focus on physiology and use text-art integration for easier reading and studying.  
  • Clinical Notes reflect current topics such as alcohol, sex and gender, and types of vaccinations currently available. Clinical Notes relate to what students will encounter in their future careers, expanding on the topic just discussed.  
  • Diversity, equity, and inclusion updates ensure the content aligns with current standards related to diversity, equity and inclusion and reflects all learners' lived experiences. Updates include improved sensitivity of the language throughout and discussions of gender and reproduction in the genetics and human development chapters. 
  • Tips (formerly Tips & Tools) are brief and concrete learning tools that give students simple analogies and easy memory devices to help them remember facts and concepts. 
  • Boldfaced terms on a page focus student attention on important information and link the word to a corresponding structure in the art. 

Features of Mastering A&P for the 12th Edition

  • NEW: Interactive Reading Assignments let students read, watch and practice in one seamless experience. Instructors can now assign specific sections of the eTextbook plus coaching and drag and drop assignments, Dynamic Study Modules, and more for auto-grading.
  • NEW: 4 Spotlight videos, narrated by author and anatomical art expert Kevin Petti, walk students through complex physiology figures to help students deconstruct and understand complicated processes
  • Spotlight Figure Coaching Activities bring interactivity to select Spotlight Figures as highly visual, interactive, multi-part activities with ranking and sorting questions.
  • NEW & UPDATED: Dynamic Study Modules reflect new content and now include shadow questions to prevent students from memorizing questions. Gap Finder: A&P Diagnostic assesses prerequisite knowledge in 5 areas: Study Skills, Math, Chemistry, Cell Biology and Biology Basics.
  • NEW: TEAS, HESI and assignable NCLEX-style questions help students prep for nursing school entrance exams with multiple-choice questions that include wrong-answer feedback.

Features of Pearson eTextbook for the 12th Edition

  • NEW: 8 SmartArt Animations build on the extensive Martini/Nath legacy of using media to help students navigate complex art. These new animations take students through some of the toughest topics in physiology, including Renal Function and Hormonal Regulation of Female Reproduction.
  • NEW: Assignable tutorials help support students at the beginning of the anatomy & physiology course, when they struggle to onboard in critical thinking, study skills, growth mindset, and basic scientific literacy in chemistry and biology topics.
  • SmartArt videos, narrated by author and anatomical art expert Kevin Petti, walk students through complex physiology figures. These interactive versions of popular text features help students deconstruct and better understand complicated processes.
  • Histology videos include 10 new videos of histology tissues and provide short, focused walkthroughs of commonly covered tissue types in A&P.
  • Bone and Organ Dissection Videos include 32 Bone Videos and 36 Dissection Videos that cover major bone and organ dissections to help students prepare for lecture and lab.


  1. 1: An Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology
  2. The Chemical Level of Organization
  3. The Cellular Level of Organization
  4. The Tissue Level of Organization


  1. The Integumentary System
  2. Bones and Bone Structure
  3. The Axial Skeleton
  4. The Appendicular Skeleton
  5. Joints
  6. Muscle Tissue
  7. The Muscular System


  1. Nervous Tissue
  2. The Spinal Cord, Spinal Nerves and Spinal Reflexes
  3. The Brain and Cranial Nerves
  4. Sensory Pathways and the Somatic Nervous System
  5. The Autonomic Nervous System and Higher Order Functions
  6. The Special Senses
  7. The Endocrine System


  1. Blood
  2. The Heart
  3. Blood Vessels and Circulation
  4. The Lymphatic System and Immunity


  1. The Respiratory System
  2. The Digestive System
  3. Metabolism, Nutrition and Energetics
  4. The Urinary System
  5. Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Balance


  1. The Reproductive System
  2. Development and Inheritance


  • A. Normal Physiological Values
  • B. Gas Pressure Measurements
  • C. Turnover Times for Selected Cells
  • D. Codon Chart
  • E. The Periodic Table
  • F. Common Abbreviations Used in Science
  • G. Word Roots, Prefixes, Suffixes, And Combining Forms

About our authors

Frederic (Ric) H. Martini, Ph.D.

Dr. Martini received his Ph.D. from Cornell University in comparative and functional anatomy for work on the pathophysiology of stress. In addition to professional publications that include journal articles and contributed chapters, technical reports, and magazine articles, he is the lead author of 10 undergraduate texts on anatomy and physiology. He has also published books on tropical islands, on WWII history, and in science fiction. Dr. Martini has a long-standing bond with the Shoals Marine Laboratory, a joint venture between Cornell University and the University of New Hampshire, where he received his undergraduate degree. He has been active in the Human Anatomy and Physiology Society (HAPS) for over 30 years and was a member of the committee that established the course curriculum guidelines for A&P. He is a President Emeritus of HAPS after serving as President-Elect, President, and Past-President over 2005–2007. Dr. Martini is also a member of the American Physiological Society, the American Association of Anatomists, the International Society of Vertebrate Morphologists, and the Society of Military History.

Judi L. Nath, Ph.D.

Dr. Judi Nath is an adjunct teaching professor at Penn State University and biology professor emerita at Lourdes University. She teaches both undergraduate and graduate students in courses including anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, medical terminology, and science writing. She received her bachelor's and master's degrees from Bowling Green State University, which included study abroad at the University of Salzburg in Austria. Her doctoral work focused on auto-immunity, and she completed her Ph.D. from the University of Toledo. Dr. Nath is devoted to her students and strives to convey the intricacies of science in captivating ways that are meaningful, interactive, and exciting. She has won the Faculty Excellence Award—an accolade recognizing effective teaching, scholarship, and community service—multiple times and in 2013 was named as an Ohio Memorable Educator. She is active in many professional organizations, notably the Human Anatomy and Physiology Society (HAPS), where she is a past president and has served several terms on the board of directors. She is also the 2021 recipient of the HAPS President's Medal. Dr. Nath is a coauthor of Visual Anatomy & Physiology, Visual Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology, Anatomy & Physiology, and Human Anatomy (published by Pearson); she is the sole author of Using Medical Terminology, Stedman's Medical Terminology, and Short Course in Medical Terminology (published by Jones & Bartlett); Applied Pathophysiology (published by Lippincott), and Digesting Foods and Fads and Sins Against Science (published by McFarland). She is also a board member of America Cares for Ukrainian Children. In 2015, she and her husband established the Nath Science Scholarship at Lourdes University to assist students pursuing science-based careers. She is an aspiring tap dancer and dog trainer with goals of achieving a healthy work-life balance.

Edwin F. Bartholomew, M.S

Edwin F. Bartholomew received his undergraduate degree from Bowling Green State University and his M.S. from the University of Hawaii. Mr. Bartholomew has taught human anatomy and physiology at both the secondary and undergraduate levels. In addition, he has taught courses ranging from botany to zoology at Maui Community College (now the University of Hawaii Maui College). For 17 years, he taught at historic Lahainaluna High School, the oldest high school west of the Rockies, where he assisted in establishing a Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) chapter. He is a coauthor of Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology, Visual Anatomy & Physiology, Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology, Visual Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology, Structure and Function of the Human Body, and The Human Body in Health and Disease (all published by Pearson). Mr. Bartholomew is a member of the Human Anatomy and Physiology Society (HAPS), the National Association of Biology Teachers, the National Science Teachers Association, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and Lahaina Arts Society. He also enjoys painting in oil, watercolor, and pastels, as well as growing tropical fish, aquarium plants, and orchids.

William C. Ober, M.D.

Dr. Ober received his undergraduate degree from Washington and Lee University and his M.D. from the University of Virginia. He also studied in the Department of Art as Applied to Medicine at Johns Hopkins University. After graduation, Dr. Ober completed a residency in Family Practice and later was on the faculty at the University of Virginia in the Department of Family Medicine and in the Department of Sports Medicine. He also served as Chief of Medicine of Martha Jefferson Hospital in Charlottesville, Virginia. Most recently he was Visiting Professor of Biology at Washington and Lee University, where he taught courses in biological illustration and led student trips to the Galapagos Islands. He was on the Core Faculty at Shoals Marine Laboratory for 24 years, where he taught biological illustration every summer. Dr. Ober has collaborated with Dr. Martini on all his textbooks in every edition.

Claire E. Ober, R.N.

Claire E. Ober, R.N., B.A., practiced family, pediatric, and obstetric nursing before turning to medical illustration as a full-time career. She returned to school at Mary Baldwin College, where she received her degree with distinction in studio art. Following a 5-year apprenticeship, she has worked as Dr. Ober's partner in Medical & Scientific Illustration since 1986. She was on the Core Faculty at Shoals Marine Laboratory and co-taught the biological illustration course with Dr. Ober for 24 years. The textbooks illustrated by Medical & Scientific Illustration have won numerous design and illustration awards.

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