About our author
Janet Burroway is the author of plays, poetry, essays, children's books, and nine novels including The Buzzards, Raw Silk, Opening Nights, Cutting Stone, (all Notable Books of the New York Times), Bridge of Sand, and Simone in Transit. Her other publications include a collection of personal essays, Embalming Mom, in addition to a volume of poetry, Material Goods, and three children's books in verse, The Truck on the Track, The Giant Jam Sandwich, and The Perfect Pig. Her plays Medea with Child (The Reva Shiner Award), Sweepstakes, Division of Property (Arts & Letters Award), and Parts of Speech have received readings and productions in New York, London, San Francisco, Hollywood, Chicago, and various regional theaters. Her textbook Writing Fiction, now in its tenth edition, is the most widely used creative writing text in the United States. She is author of a memoir, Losing Tim, and has edited a collection of essays, A Story Larger Than My Own: Women Writers Look Back on Their Lives and Careers. She is Robert O. Lawton Distinguished Professor Emerita at the Florida State University in Tallahassee and has most recently taught in the MFA Program in Creative Writing at Northwestern University. She has been a recipient of a National Endowment for the Arts fellowship, and was given a Lifetime Achievement in Writing Award from the Florida Council on the Arts.