11 ways you can avoid English jargon at work

Pearson Languages
Two ladies in a pottery studio, one with a clipboard, both looking at a laptop together

From “blue-sky thinking” to “lots of moving parts”, there are many phrases used in the office that sometimes seem to make little sense in a work environment. These phrases are known as ‘work jargon’ – or you might hear it referred to as ‘corporate jargon’, ‘business jargon’ or ‘management speak’. It’s a type of language generally used by a profession or group in the workplace, and has been created and evolved over time. And whether people use this work jargon to sound impressive or to disguise the fact that they are unsure about the subject they are talking about, it’s much simpler and clearer to use plain English. This will mean that more people understand what they are saying – both fluent and second-language English speakers.

The preference for plain English stems from the desire for communication to be clear and concise. This not only helps fluent English speakers to understand things better, but it also means that those learning English pick up a clearer vocabulary. This is particularly important in business, where it’s important that all colleagues feel included as part of the team and can understand what is being said. This, in turn, helps every colleague feel equipped with the information they need to do their jobs better, in the language they choose to use.

Here, we explore some of the most common examples of English jargon at work that you might hear and suggest alternatives you can use…

Blue-sky thinking

This refers to ideas that are not limited by current thinking or beliefs. It’s used to encourage people to be more creative with their thinking. The phrase could be confusing as co-workers may wonder why you’re discussing the sky in a business environment.

Instead of: “This is a new client, so we want to see some blue-sky thinking.”

Try saying: “This is a new client, so don’t limit your creativity.”

Helicopter view

This phrase is often used to mean a broad overview of the business. It comes from the idea of being a passenger in a helicopter and being able to see a bigger view of a city or landscape than if you were simply viewing it from the ground. Second-language English speakers might take the phrase literally, and be puzzled as to why someone in the office is talking about taking a helicopter ride.

Instead of: “Here’s a helicopter view of the business.”

Try saying: “This is a broad view of the business.”

Get all your ducks in a row

This is nothing to do with actual ducks; it simply means to be organized. While we don’t exactly know the origin of this phrase, it probably stems from actual ducklings that walk in a neat row behind their parents.

Instead of: “This is a busy time for the company, so make sure you get all your ducks in a row.”

Try saying: “This is a busy time for the company, so make sure you’re as organized as possible.”

Thinking outside the box

Often used to encourage people to use novel or creative thinking. The phrase is commonly used when solving problems or thinking of a new concept. The idea is that, if you’re inside a box, you can only see those walls and that might block you from coming up with the best solution.

Instead of: “The client is looking for something extra special, so try thinking outside the box.”

Try saying: “The client is looking for something extra special, so try thinking of something a bit different to the usual work we do for them.”

IGUs (Income Generating Units)

A college principal alerted us to this one – it refers to his students. This is a classic example of jargon when many more words are used than necessary.

Instead of: “This year, we have 300 new IGUs.”

Try saying: “This year, we have 300 new students.”

Run it up the flagpole

Often followed by “…and see if it flies” or “…and see if anyone salutes it”, this phrase is a way of asking someone to suggest an idea and see what the reaction is.

Instead of: “I love your idea, run it up the flagpole and see if it flies.”

Try saying: “I love your idea, see what the others think about it.”

Swim lane

A visual element – a bit like a flow chart –  that distinguishes a specific responsibility in a business organization. The name for a swim lane diagram comes from the fact that the information is broken up into different sections – or “lanes” – a bit like in our picture above.

Instead of: “Refer to the swim lanes to find out what your responsibilities are.”

Try saying: “Refer to the diagram/chart to find out what your responsibilities are.”

Bleeding edge

A way to describe something that is innovative or cutting edge. It tends to imply an even greater advancement of technology that is almost so clever that it is unbelievable in its current state.

Instead of: “The new technology we have purchased is bleeding edge.”

Try saying: “The new technology we have purchased is innovative.”

Tiger team

A tiger team is a group of experts brought together for a single project or event. They’re often assembled to assure management that everything is under control, and the term suggests strength.

Instead of: “The tiger team will solve the problem.” 

Try saying: “The experts will solve the problem.” 

Lots of moving parts

When a project is complicated, this phrase is sometimes used to indicate lots is going on.

Instead of: “This project will run for several months and there are lots of moving parts to it.”

Try saying: “This project will run for several months and it will be complicated.”

A paradigm shift

Technically, this is a valid way to describe changing how you do something and the model you use. The word “paradigm” (pronounced “para-dime”) is an accepted way or pattern of doing something. So the “shift” part means that a possible new way has been discovered. Second-language English speakers however, might not be familiar with the meaning and might be confused about what it actually means.

Instead of: “To solve this problem, we need a paradigm shift.”

Try saying: To solve this problem; we need to think differently.”

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    Why knowing the most spoken languages matters

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    Criteria for measuring language popularity

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    • Number of native speakers: This refers to the number of people who speak a language as their first or native language. Languages with the highest number of native speakers often have a significant cultural and historical impact.

    • Global influence: This measures the extent to which a language is used in international communication, business, science and diplomacy. Languages with a broad global influence are often used as lingua francas in various regions.

    • Use as a second or foreign language: This considers the number of people who speak a language as a second language or foreign language. Languages that are widely taught and learned around the world tend to have a larger speaking population.

    By considering these criteria, we can better understand why certain languages are more prominent and widely spoken globally.

    Top 10 most spoken languages in the world

    Here’s a closer look at the ten most spoken languages by number of speakers:

    When evaluating these languages, it's important to consider not just the number of native speakers but also the total number of language speakers, including those who speak it as a second language.

    1. English

    Speakers: Approximately 1.5 billion

    Native speakers: Around 360 million

    Regions: Widely spoken in the Americas, Europe, Africa, Asia and Oceania.

    Highlights: English is the most widely spoken language worldwide when combining native and non-native speakers. It's the primary language in countries like the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada and Australia. English is the dominant language in international business, science and technology.

    2. Mandarin Chinese

    Speakers: Over 1.1 billion

    Native speakers: About 920 million

    Regions: Mainly in China, Taiwan and Singapore

    Highlights: Mandarin is the language with the largest number of native speakers. It's one of the six official languages of the United Nations and has a significant cultural and historical importance.

    3. Hindi

    Speakers: Around 600 million

    Native speakers: Approximately 341 million

    Regions: Predominantly in India and Nepal

    Highlights: Hindi is predominantly spoken in India and Nepal, with approximately 341 million native speakers. It is one of the official languages of India and is spoken by a large portion of the Indian population. It has numerous dialects and is written in the Devanagari script.

    4. Spanish

    Speakers: Approximately 560 million

    Native speakers: About 460 million

    Regions: Spain, Latin America and parts of the United States

    Highlights: Spanish is the official language in 21 countries and is widely spoken in the Americas. In many of these countries, Spanish serves as the national language, playing a crucial role in government, education and media. It’s known for its rich literature and cultural heritage.

    5. French

    Speakers: Around 280 million

    Native speakers: About 77 million

    Regions: France, parts of Africa, Canada, Belgium and Switzerland

    Highlights: French is another of the six official languages of the United Nations. It's widely used in international diplomacy and has a significant number of speakers in Africa due to France's colonial history.

    6. Arabic

    Speakers: Approximately 270 million

    Native speakers: Around 310 million

    Regions: Middle East and North Africa

    Highlights: Arabic is a central Semitic language that is the liturgical language of Islam. It has many dialects, with Modern Standard Arabic being used in formal settings and media. Arabic has numerous spoken forms, with significant variations in dialects across different regions.

    7. Bengali

    Speakers: Around 265 million

    Native speakers: About 230 million

    Regions: Bangladesh and parts of India

    Highlights: Bengali is the official language of Bangladesh and the second most spoken language in India. Alongside other languages like Hindi and Urdu, Bengali plays a crucial role in the cultural and linguistic landscape of the region. It’s known for its rich literary tradition.

    8. Portuguese

    Speakers: Approximately 220 million

    Native speakers: Around 220 million

    Regions: Brazil, Portugal and parts of Africa

    Highlights: Portuguese is mainly spoken in Brazil, which is the largest Portuguese-speaking country. It has a growing number of speakers in Africa.

    9. Russian

    Speakers: Around 258 million

    Native speakers: Approximately 154 million

    Regions: Russia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia

    Highlights: Russian is one of the six official languages of the United Nations and is widely spoken in the former Soviet Union countries.

    10. Japanese

    Speakers: Approximately 128 million

    Native speakers: Around 128 million

    Regions: Japan

    Highlights: Japanese is predominantly spoken in Japan and is known for its three writing systems—Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji. It has a rich cultural history and is influential in technology and entertainment.


    Understanding the most spoken languages in the world can provide valuable insights for language learners. Developing strong language skills in these world languages can open up numerous opportunities for travel, business and cultural exchange. Whether you’re looking to enhance your travel experiences, broaden your cultural horizons, or improve your career prospects, learning one of these widely spoken languages could be a significant advantage.

    Ready to start your language learning journey? Learn a new language with Mondly by Pearson.

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    1. Set clear goals

    Before you start, it's crucial to set clear, achievable goals. Whether you aim to hold basic conversations, read professional documents, or become fluent, having a specific target will keep you motivated and focused.

    2. Integrate learning into your daily routine

    Finding time to study can be challenging, but integrating language learning into your daily routine can make it more manageable:

    • Commute time: Use your commute to listen to language podcasts or audiobooks.
    • Lunch breaks: Dedicate 15-20 minutes of your lunch break to review vocabulary or grammar.
    • Evening wind-down: Spend 10 minutes before bed practicing speaking or writing.

    3. Use online resources

    Modern technology provides a plethora of tools to help you learn a new language without disrupting your schedule:

    • Language learning apps: Apps like Mondly by Pearson allow you to practice during your commute or lunch break.
    • Podcasts and audiobooks: Listen to language lessons during your commute or workout.
    • Online courses:  Many websites offer structured courses that you can complete at your own pace.

    4. Stay motivated

    Staying motivated is crucial to your success. Celebrate your progress, no matter how small, and remind yourself of the benefits of being multilingual:

    • Track your progress: Keep a journal of your language learning milestones and achievements.
    • Find a study buddy: Partner with a colleague or friend who is also learning the language to keep each other accountable.
    • Reward yourself: Treat yourself when you reach your language learning goals.

    5. Explore company resources

    Some companies offer resources or discounted access for learning. It's always worthwhile to check if your employer provides:

    • Language classes: On-site or online language classes.
    • Learning platforms: Subscriptions to language learning platforms.
    • Education reimbursement: Financial assistance for language courses as part of professional development.

    6. Use your work environment

    If your workplace has international colleagues, take advantage of this opportunity to practice. Try to speak with them in their first language or ask for help with pronunciation and vocabulary. Not only will this provide real-world practice, but it will also strengthen your professional relationships.

    7. Be consistent and patient

    Consistency is key when learning a new language:

    • Daily practice: Even 10-15 minutes a day can lead to significant progress over time.
    • Patience: Language learning is a gradual process. Celebrate small milestones and remain patient with your progress.

    Balancing a full-time job with language learning is no small feat, but it's entirely possible with the right strategies. By setting clear goals, integrating learning into your routine, leveraging technology, practicing consistently, engaging with native speakers, making learning fun and staying motivated, you can achieve fluency without sacrificing your professional responsibilities. Ready to start your language learning journey? Take the first step today and open a world of new opportunities.