It's time for a game-changing shift in English language learning

Our brand-new research reveals that over half of learners feel that their formal education did not prepare them with a good level of English, with just 25% saying they felt confident using all four skills. We want to change that.

Find out how you can better support your English language learners with the skills and confidence they need for their futures in our eye-opening report.

Read the report

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Enhance learner confidence with over 500 minutes of speaking practice, featuring advanced speech recognition and immersive AI conversations, accessible on-the-go.

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Inspire learners and build their skills with Pearson English Readers

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  • A teacher stood at the front of a class holding a tablet in front of adult students

    9 steps to teaching advanced business English

    By Pearson Languages

    The challenge of teaching business English to C1 level students

    Once your English students reach a B2 level of English, they’re fairly competent communicators. For many learners, their motivation to improve starts to suffer when they reach this intermediate plateau. They understand almost everything and can express themselves clearly enough - so why would they want to continue learning English and achieve a C1 level of English?

    The CEFR describes C1-level learners as proficient users of a language. C1-level students have a high proficiency in English and perform well in an international work environment.

    How can we help our upper intermediate students reach this level and see the benefits in their own lives and careers? Here are nine steps you can take as an English language teacher to help your students achieve language proficiency.


  • Two parents sat with their two children, writing in a workbook togeher

    5 essentials every child needs when you're teaching English

    By Jeanne Perrett

    The educational choices available to children are evolving rapidly with apps, online courses, digital games, recordings and videos becoming easily accessible. However, amidst this technological advancement, human evolution has not suddenly accelerated, and the primary aim for teachers remains unchanged - helping children make sense of the world and leaving their mark on it.

    Here are five essential ways we can achieve that for every child, regardless of their circumstances, whether it's teaching English or fostering everyday learning and education.


  • Two students sat on stairs smiling at a laptop

    How to keep your students motivated during summer intensive courses

    By Pearson Languages

    Summer is here and so are English language intensive courses. Adults and teens are lining up at your classroom doors, full of enthusiasm and ready to learn English. But soon they’re staring out the windows, looking up at the bright blue skies and wishing they were on the beach, or - frankly - doing anything but studying English for the next 100 hours.

    So how can you turn it around and keep your learners on track and motivated this summer?


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Presenter(s): Bartłomiej Janiak

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* Global online survey on Learner's Voice among just over 2,000 respondents including teachers and learners of English, decision makers in educational institutions and companies, Jan-Mar 2022.