Animal Reproduction exam Flashcards
Animal Reproduction exam
Terms in this set (29)
- SpermatogenesisThe process of sperm production in males, occurring in the seminiferous tubules.
- What is the primary function of the scrotum?To maintain the correct temperature for sperm production by holding the testes outside the body.
- OogenesisThe process of egg production in females, beginning before birth and completing after puberty.
- What is the role of the corpus luteum?It secretes progesterone and some estradiol to maintain the uterine lining and provide negative feedback to FSH and LH.
- Red Queen HypothesisA theory suggesting that sexual reproduction is favored because it introduces genetic diversity, helping organisms adapt and evolve.
- What is the function of the epididymis?To mature and store sperm, making them motile.
- ParthenogenesisA type of asexual reproduction where growth and development occur without fertilization.
- What triggers ovulation in the ovarian cycle?A spike in luteinizing hormone (LH) caused by maximal estradiol concentrations.
- Zona PellucidaThe glycoprotein layer surrounding the plasma membrane of mammalian oocytes.
- What is the primary function of the placenta?To allow the exchange of materials, nutrients, and wastes between the mother and fetus.
- Seminiferous TubulesCoiled structures in the testes where sperm are produced.
- What is the role of the hormone oxytocin during childbirth?It stimulates uterine contractions, which are part of a positive feedback loop to expel the fetus.
- Menstrual CycleA regular cycle in the female reproductive system involving the ovarian and uterine cycles.
- What is the function of the acrosome in sperm?To release enzymes that help the sperm penetrate the egg's outer layers.
- ViviparousOrganisms that give birth to live offspring.
- What is the significance of the hormone HCG during pregnancy?It prevents the degradation of the corpus luteum and halts the menstrual cycle.
- Leydig CellsCells in the testes that produce testosterone.
- What is the primary function of the fallopian tubes?To transport the ovum from the ovary to the uterus.
- EndometriumThe inner epithelial lining of the uterus, which changes with each menstrual cycle.
- What is the role of the hormone prolactin?To stimulate milk production in the mammary glands.
- Binary FissionA type of asexual reproduction where an organism divides into two or more parts, common in bacteria.
- What is the function of the vas deferens?To transport sperm from the epididymis to the urethra.
- Polar BodiesSmall haploid cells formed during oogenesis that do not develop into ova.
- What is the primary function of the hormone FSH in females?To stimulate follicle maturation in the ovaries.
- GametogenesisThe process of forming gametes (sperm and eggs) through meiosis.
- What is the purpose of the cortical reaction during fertilization?To prevent polyspermy by changing the egg's membrane chemistry.
- Sertoli CellsAlso known as nurse cells, they support and nourish developing sperm cells.
- What is the function of the hormone LH in males?To stimulate Leydig cells to produce testosterone.
- BlastocystA hollow ball of cells formed from the cleavage of a zygote, specific to mammals.