Active Experiences for Active Children: Mathematics, 3rd edition

Published by Pearson (November 21, 2011) © 2012

  • Carol Seefeldt University of Maryland
  • Alice Galper
  • Ithel Jones
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1 Experiences and Mathematics in Early Childhood: Theory into Practice

Deep Personal Meaning

Firsthand Experiences

Initiative, Choices, and Decision Making

Developmentally Appropriate

Content with Meaning and Integrity

Involving Others


Group Work and Projects

Interactions with Teachers and Other Adults

Covered with Language

Continuity of Learning

Time to Reflect


Observation and Assessment


2 Active Children, Active Environments

The Essentials




Indoor Spaces

Integrating Spaces

Math or Manipulative Areas

Science Areas

Art Centers

Woodworking Centers

Book and Library Centers

Sociodramatic Play Areas

Block Areas

Water and Sand Areas

Music Areas

Computer Stations

Quiet Spaces

Outdoor Spaces

Math/Science and Nature Discovery Areas

Art Spaces

Physical Spaces

Other Spaces

Planning for Inclusion

The Teacher’s Role


3 Building Connections to Home and Community Through Active Experiences

Out into the School

Inside the School Building

Outside in the Natural Environment

Out into the Neighborhood and Community

Basic Guidelines for Meaningful Field Experiences

Building Connections with the Neighborhood and Community

The Neighborhood as a Mathematics Laboratory

Neighborhood Resources

The Home—School Connection


4 Connecting Everyday Experiences with Mathematical Content

Knowledge of Children

Knowledge of the Subject Matter: Mathematics

Principles for Teaching Mathematics

NCTM Standards

Curriculum Focal Points and Connections

Using Knowledge of Mathematics to Guide Children’s Development

Expanding and Extending Firsthand Experiences


Part TWO Guides to Active Experiences

5 Developing Ideas of Number and Operations

For the Teacher

What You’ll Need to Know

Key Concepts

Goals and Objectives

What You’ll Need

The Home—School Connection

Documenting and Assessing Children’s Learning

For the Children

Learning About Numbers and Counting


Extending and Expanding to the Primary Grades

Tear-Out Sheets

6 Learning the Basic Concepts of Algebra

For the Teacher

What You’ll Need to Know

Key Concepts

Goals and Objectives

What You’ll Need

The Home—School Connection

Documenting and Assessing Children’s Learning

For the Children

Learning Algebraic Concepts


Extending and Expanding to the Primary Grades

Tear-Out Sheets

7 Developing Geometric and Spatial Thinking Skills

For the Teacher

What You’ll Need to Know

Key Concepts

Goals and Objectives

What You’ll Need

The Home—School Connection

Documenting and Assessing Children’s Learning

For the Children

Exploring Geometry


Extending and Expanding to the Primary Grades

Tear-Out Sheets

8 Learning the Basic Concepts of Measurement

For the Teacher

What You’ll Need to Know

Key Concepts

Goals and Objectives

What You’ll Need

The Home—School Connection

Documenting and Assessing Children’s Learning

For the Children


Extending and Expanding to the Primary Grades

Tear-Out Sheets

9 Data Description, Organization, Representation, and Analysis

For the Teacher

What You’ll Need to Know

Key Concepts

Goals and Objectives

What You’ll Need

The Home—School Connection

Documenting and Assessing Children’s Learning

For the Children

Collecting and Analyzing Data


Extending and Expanding to the Primary Grades

10 Learning to Problem-Solve

For the Teacher

What You’ll Need to Know

Key Concepts

Goals and Objectives

What You’ll Need

The Home—School Connection

Documenting and Assessing Children’s Learning

For the Children

Project Work

Extending and Expanding to the Primary Grades

Tear-Out Sheets


Children’s Books



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