Begin to Code with Python, 1st edition

Published by Microsoft Press (November 21, 2017) © 2018

  • Rob Miles
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Easy, friendly, and you’re in control! Learn how to…

  • Get, install, and use powerful free tools to create modern Python programs
  • Learn key concepts from 170 sample programs, and use them to jumpstart your own
  • Discover exactly what happens when a program runs
  • Approach program development with a professional perspective
  • Learn the core elements of the Python language
  • Build more complex software with classes, methods, and objects
  • Organize programs so they’re easy to build and improve
  • Capture and respond to user input
  • Store and manipulate many types of real-world data
  • Define custom data types to solve specific problems
  • Create interactive games that are fun to play
  • Build modern web and cloud-based applications
  • Use pre-built libraries to quickly create powerful software 
  • Part 1: Coding Fundamentals
  • 1. Getting the Tools of the Trade
  • 2. Playing with Python: the Interactive Command Line
  • 3. Working with Data in Python
  • 4. Making Decisions in Python Programs
  • 5. Repeating Actions using Loops
  • 6. Handling Collections of Data
  • Part 2: Advanced Programming
  • 7. Methods in Python
  • 8. Structured Data
  • 9. Creating Classes
  • 10. Object-based Solution Design
  • 11. Python Libraries
  • Part 3: Useful Python
  • 12. Python Games with Pygame
  • 13. Hosting Web Applications using Python
  • 14. Putting Python in the Cloud
  • 15. Python and Graphical User Interfaces

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