Brand Gap, The: Revised Edition, 2nd edition

Published by New Riders (August 4, 2005) © 2006

  • Marty Neumeier



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  • A print text (hardcover or paperback) 
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  • Also available for purchase as an ebook from all major ebook resellers, including
  • Introduction
  • Discipline 1: Differentiate
  • Discipline 2: Collaborate
  • Discipline 3: Innovate
  • Discipline 4: Validate
  • Discipline 5: Cultivate
  • Take Home Lessons
  • Brand Glossary
  • Acknowledgments
  • Recommended Reading
Marty Neumeier's professional mission is to "incite business revolution by unleashing the power of design thinking." He does this by writing books, conducting workshops, and speaking internationally about the power of brand, innovation, and design. His bestselling "whiteboard" books include THE BRAND GAP, ZAG, and THE DESIGNFUL COMPANY. His video, MARTY NEUMEIER'S INNOVATION WORKSHOP, combines highlights from all three books into a hands-on learning experience. Marty serves as Director of Transformation at Liquid Agency, and divides his writing time between California and southwest France.

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