Chapter 1: Writing and Reading
A Process View of Writing and Reading
The Reading Process
Stephen King, “The Symbolic Language of Dreams”
Prereading/Early Reading
Personal and Interpretive Response
Example of student response to King
Critical and Evaluative Response
Example of Student response to King
The Writing Process and Self-Discovery
Stages of the Writing Process
Strategies for Prewriting
Student essay: Leigh Haldeman, “Response to Mary Pipher’s ‘Saplings in the Storm’”
Revising, and Final Draft
Partnership/ Peer Sharing
Chapter 2: Journeys and Reflections (Description and Reflection)
Thematic Introduction
Writing Descriptions
Words and Images
Revising Initial Descriptions
Establishing Vantage Point and Tone
Thinking About Your Purpose and Audience
Walt Whitman, From “Song of the Open Road” (poem)
Donovan Webster, “Inside the Volcano”
Andrew Pham, “Viet-Kieu”
Kavita Sreedhar, “Travelling Home” (student essay)
Francine Prose, “Confessions of a Ritual Tourist”
Jane Goodall, “In the Forests of Gombe”
Nadiv Rahman, “On the Bridge” (student essay)
Topics for Research and Writing
Chapter 3: Journeys in Memory (Narrative)
Thematic Introduction
Narration, Memory, and Self-Awareness
Making Associations
Focusing and Concentration: The Inner Screen
Dialogue and Characters
Main Idea or Dominant Impression
Drafting and Shaping the Narrative
Revising the Narrative: Point of View, Transition, and Style
Patricia Hampl, “Memory and Imagination”
bell hooks, “Writing Autobiography”
Sandra Cisneros, “Monkey Garden”
Saira Shah, “The Storyteller’s Daughter”
Melissa Burns, “The Best Seat in the House” (student essay)
Michael Ventura, “The Peril of Memory”
Rachel Naomi Remen, “Remembering”
Topics for Research and Writing
Chapter 4: Dreams, Myths, and Fairy Tales (Comparison)
Thematic Introduction
Comparing and Contrasting: Strategies for Thinking and Writing
Prewriting for Comparison
Outlining and Transition, Evaluation
Jorge Luis Borges, “The Circular Ruins”
Joseph Campbell, “The Four Functions of Mythology”
Marcelo Gleiser, “The Myths of Science—Creation”
Portfolio of Creation Myths:
From the Rig Veda
“Genesis 1 and 2”
“The Chameleon Finds” (Yao-Bantu, African)
"The Making of the World" (Huron)
“Spider Woman Creates the Humans” (Hopi, Native American)
“The Beginning of the World” (Japanese)
Joshua Groban, “Two Myths” (student essay)
Lan Samantha Chang, “Water Names"
Four Versions of Cinderella:
The Brothers Grimm, “Aschenputtel” (German)
“The Twelve Months” (Slavic)
“The Algonquin Cinderella” (Native American)
“Tam and Cam” (Vietnamese)
Topics for Research and Writing
Chapter 5: Obsessions and Transformation (Definition)
Thematic Introduction
Definition: Word Boundaries of the Self
Public Meanings and Formal Definition
Stipulative and Personal Definitions
W.S. Merwin, “Fog-Horn” (poem)
Andrew Solomon, “Depression”
Anne Lamott, “Hunger”
Sharon Slayton, “The Good Girl” (student essay)
Daniel King, Paul Delfabbro, and Mark Griffiths “Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Video Game Players”
Mary Sykes Wylie, “Sleepless in America: Making it Through the Night in a Wired World” Marc Ian Barasch, “What Is a Healing Dream?”
Topics for Research and Writing
Chapter 6: Journeys in Gender and Relationships (Causal Analysis)
Thematic Introduction
Causality and the Inward Journey
Observing and Collecting Information
Causal Logical Fallacies
Pablo Neruda, “The Dream” (poem)
Sigmund Freud, “Erotic Wishes and Dreams”
Virginia Woolf, “Professions for Women”
Mary Pipher, “Saplings in the Storm”
Leigh Haldeman, “A Response to ‘Saplings in the Storm’”
Michael Kimmel, “A War Against Boys”
David Sedaris, “I Like Guys”
Topics for Research and Writing
Chapter 7: The Double / The Other (Argument and Dialogue)
Thematic Introduction
Argument and Dialogue
Traditional Argument
Dialogic Argument
Dialogue and Prewriting
Prewriting and the Audience
Defining Key Terms
Evaluating Facts
Feelings in Argument
Judith Ortiz Cofer, “The Other” (poem)
Connie Zweig and Jeremiah Abrahms, “The Shadow Side of Everyday Life”
Charlotte Perkins Gilman, “The Yellow Wallpaper”
Sara Colvin, "Lady Gaga as Monster" (student essay)
Fran Peavey (with Myrna Levy and Charles Varon), “Us and Them”
Desmond Mpilo Tutu, “No Future Without Forgiveness”
Jessica Rubenstein, “Coed Schools Help Students Excel” (student essay)
Topics for Research and Writing
Chapter 8: Pop Dreams (Research)
Thematic Introduction
Research Writing
Finding a Topic
Timetable and Process
Your Voice and the Voices of Your Sources
Purpose and Structure
Language and Style
The Computer as a Research Partner
Juliet B. Schor, “Decommercialization of Childhood”
Henry Jenkins, “Education, Media, and Violence”
Lawrence C. Rubin, “Merchandising Madness
Rob Walker, “Click ”
Steven Johnson, “How Twitter will Change the World in Which We Live”
Jonathan Cusick, “Do Benefit Concerts Affect Political Decisions?”
Anne Ritchie, “Creativity, Drugs, and Rock ’n’ Roll” (student essay)
Topics for Research and Writing
Chapter 9: Voyages in Spirituality (Creativity)
Thematic Introduction
Creativity, Problem Solving, and Synthesis
Habit Versus Risk
Reason Versus Intuition
Developing Self-Confidence: Learning to Trust Your Own Processes
Evaluation and Application
Donna Lovong, “Are You Joining a Cult?”
Norman Yeung Bik Chung, “A Faithful Taoist” (student essay)
Chris Gill, James Rotondi, and Jas Obrecht, “Within You, Without You: The Guitarist’s Search for Spiritual Meaning”
Jessie van Eerden, “The Soul Has Six Wings”
Natalie Goldberg, “On the Shores of Lake Biwa”
Noah Levine, “Death Is Not the End My Friend”
Martin Luther King, Jr., “A Christmas Sermon on Peace”
Topics for Research and Writing