Engaging in the Language Arts: Exploring the Power of Language, 2nd edition
Published by Pearson (November 21, 2011) © 2012
- Donna Ogle National-Louis University
- James W. Beers The College of William & Mary
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CHAPTER 1 Introducing the Language Arts
What Is Important about Classroom Language Use? 4What Is the Authors’ Perspective? 6
What Are Important Aspects of Language Study? 7
How Do We Organize and Structure Ideas? 13
How Do Our Communities Influence Language Development? 14
What Is Your Role? 17
What Does Good Instruction Look Like? 20
How Can the Standards Help Your Teaching? 26
How Can You Get Started in This Study of Language Arts? 28
What Are Your Interests and Questions? 29
CHAPTER 2 Assessing Language Arts
Why Is Language Arts Assessment Important? 34How Are National Language Arts Standards Related to State and School District Language Arts Standards? 34
What Are Principles to Follow in Language Arts Assessment? 39
How Can You Assess Language Arts? 40
When Do You Assess Language Arts? 58
CHAPTER 3 Supporting Diverse Learners
How Do We Define Diversity?What Do You Need to Know When Teaching English Learners?
How Does Diversity Affect Your Classroom?
How Can You Differentiate Instruction?
How Can You Support Students Who Struggle with Language Learning?
What Intellectual and Social Needs Are Important to Consider?
CHAPTER 4 Understanding Oral Language Development
What Is Language?Why Is Oral Language Important?
What Do We Know about Oral Language Development?
How Does Language Develop?
How Does Language Change during the Preschool Years?
Is Language Development “Finished” When Children Enter School?
What Do We Know about Dialects?
How Do Students Use Language?
How Can We Promote Language Growth?
CHAPTER 5 Engaging with Literature
Why Is Children’s Literature Important for Reading and Writing?What Do We Know about Children’s Literature?
What Do We Know about How Children Learn about Literature?
How Can We Teach Children’s Literature?
How Can We Assess Students’ Understanding of Literature?
How Can We Support Diversity and Differentiated Instruction in the Classroom?
How Can We Support Technology Use and Children’s Literature?
CHAPTER 6 Developing Speaking and Listening
How Do State and National Standards Inform Oral Language Instruction?How Can Social Interaction and Communication Be Developed?
How Can You Develop Exploratory Uses of Language?
How Can You Help Students Gain Confidence in Speaking?
How Can Students Learn to Use Language to Inform Others?
In What Ways Can You Develop Students’ Ability to Listen?
How Can You Support Students Who Struggle with Classroom Communication?
CHAPTER 7 Reading in the Primary Grades
What are Important Factors for Successful Beginning Reading?How Does Beginning Reading Develop?
How Can You Support Reading Development?
How Can You Assess Early Reading Development?
How Can You Support Students Who Struggle with Story Comprehension?
CHAPTER 8 Reading Beyond the Primary Grades
What Are Goals for Literacy beyond the Primary Grades?What Instructional Strategies Are Supported by Research and Best Practices?
How Can Students Be Encouraged to Read for Literary Purposes?
How Can Literacy Be Developed across the Content Areas?
Why Is Visual Literacy Important?
How Can Visual Literacy Be Developed?
How Can You Organize Classroom Instruction to Accomplish Your Goals?
How Can Integrated Units of Instruction Enhance Learning?
How Can You Support Students Who Struggle with Reading?
CHAPTER 9 Spelling Development
Why Is Spelling Important for Reading and Writing?What Do We Know about English Spelling?
How Can We Teach Spelling?
How Can We Assess Spelling?
How Can We Help English Learners with Spelling?
Why Teach Handwriting?
CHAPTER 10 Developing Vocabulary
What Do We Know about Vocabulary Development during the Elementary Years?What Does a Good Instructional Program Include?
What Role Does the Dictionary Play?
How Can Students’ Word Knowledge Be Assessed?
What Is Effective Vocabulary Instruction for Students Who Struggle with Word Learning?
CHAPTER 11 Writing Development
How Do Students Develop into Writers?What Is the Writing Process?
How Can You Help Students Become Writers?
How Can You Assess Students’ Writing?
How Can You Support Struggling Writers?
CHAPTER 12 Writing Conventions
What Are Writing Conventions for English?What Do We Know about Teaching Writing Conventions?
How Can You Teach Writing Conventions?
How Can You Assess Writing Conventions?
How Can You Assist Students Who Struggle with Subject-Verb Agreement?
CHAPTER 13 Exploring Writing Genres
How Do You Define, Teach, and Assess Personal Writing?How Do You Define, Teach, and Assess Story Writing?
How Do You Define, Teach, and Assess Informational Writing?
How Do You Define, Teach, and Assess Poetry Writing?
What Strategies Can You Use with Students Who Struggle with Writing Genres?
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