Good Reasons with Contemporary Arguments and Handbook, 1st edition

Published by Pearson (January 15, 2013) © 2014

  • Lester Faigley University of Texas at Austin
  • Jack Selzer The Pennsylvania State University
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  • Loose-leaf, 3-hole-punched pages

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This rhetoric/reader combines a brief, accessible introduction to argument with an anthology of provocative readings on contemporary issues and a convenient grammar and mechanics reference.

By stressing the rhetorical situation and audience, this argument rhetoric/reader avoids complicated schemes and terminology in favor of providing students with the practical ways of finding "good reasons" to argue for the positions they take. Good Reasons with Contemporary Arguments and Handbook helps students read, analyze, and write various types of arguments, including visual, verbal, and written. Supporting the authors' instruction are readings by professional and student writers, including many of an academic nature that cite sources, and over 150 visuals.  Good Reasons with Contemporary Arguments and Handbook is distinctive for its discussion of why people write arguments, its coverage of rhetorical analysis and visual analysis in a brief format, its close attention to reading arguments, its thorough attention to research, and its emphasis on provocative topics in the reader section of the book. This new version also contains a concise handbook on grammar and mechanics, including “Common Errors” boxes that offer guidance on how to recognize, understand, and correct the most frequent errors.



PART 1 Reading and Discovering Arguments


Chapter 1: Making an Effective Argument

What Exactly Is an Argument?

Finding Good Reasons

Writing Arguments in College

Arguments as Turns in a Conversation

A Case Study: The Microcredit Debate

Think About Your Credibility


Chapter 2: Reading Arguments

Explore Controversies

Read Critically

Finding Good Reasons

Recognize Fallacies

Map and Summarize Arguments


Chapter 3: Finding Arguments

Find Arguments in Everyday Conversations

Find a Topic

What Is Not Arguable

Finding Good Reasons



Nation World

Explore Your Topic

Read About Your Topic

Find Good Reasons

Find Evidence to Support Good Reasons


Chapter 4: Drafting and Revising Arguments

State and Evaluate Your Thesis

Finding Good Reasons

Think About Your Readers

Organize Your Argument

Write an Engaging Title and Introduction

Write a Strong Conclusion

Evaluate Your Draft

Checklist for Evaluating Your Draft

Respond to the Writing of Others

Edit and Proofread Carefully


PART 2 Analyzing Arguments


Chapter 5: Analyzing Written Arguments

What Is Rhetorical Analysis?

Build a Rhetorical Analysis

Analyze the Rhetorical Features

Analyze the Rhetorical Context

Write a Rhetorical Analysis


Barbara Jordan, Statement on the Articles of Impeachment

Sample Student Rhetorical Analysis

T. Jonathan Jackson,An Argument of Reason and Passion: Barbara Jordan’s “Statement on the Articles of Impeachment” 70


Chapter 6: Analyzing Visual and Multimedia Arguments

What Is a Visual Argument?

What Is a Multimedia Argument?

Analyze Visual Evidence

Ask These Questions when you are Analyzing Charts and Graphs

Build a Visual Analysis

Write a Visual Analysis

Sample Student Visual Analysis

Chrissy Yao,“Use Only What You Need”: The Denver Water Conservation Campaign


PART 3 Writing Arguments


Chapter 7: Putting Good Reasons into Action

Find a Purpose for Writing an Argument

Finding Good Reasons

Get Started Writing About Complex Issues


Chapter 8: Definition Arguments

Understand How Definition Arguments Work

Recognize Kinds of Definitions

Build a Definition Argument

King’s Extended Definition Argument

Finding Good Reasons


Michael Pollan, Eat Food: Food Defined

Sample Student Definition Argument

Patrice Conley, Flagrant Foul: The NCAA’s Definition of Student Athletes as Amateurs


Chapter 9: Causal Arguments

Understand How Causal Arguments Work

Find Causes

Build a Causal Argument


Finding Good Reasons

Emily Raine,Why Should I Be Nice to You? Coffee Shops and the Politics of Good Service

Sample Student Causal Argument

Armadi Tansal,Modern Warfare:Video Game’ Link to Real-World Violence


Chapter 10: Evaluation Arguments

Understand How Evaluation Arguments Work

Recognize Kinds of Evaluations

Build an Evaluation Argument

Finding Good Reasons


P. J.O’Rourke, The End of the Affair

Sample Student Evaluation Argument

Rashaun Giddens, Stop Loss or “Loss of Trust”


Chapter 11: Narrative Arguments

Understand How Narrative Arguments Work

Recognize Kinds of Narrative Arguments

Build a Narrative Argument

Finding Good Reasons


Leslie Marmon Silko, The Border Patrol State


Chapter 12: Rebuttal Arguments

Understand How Rebuttal Arguments Work

Recognize Kinds of Rebuttal Arguments

Build a Rebuttal Argument

Finding Good Reasons


Dan Stein, Crossing the Line

Gregory Rodriguez, Illegal Immigrants–They’re Money

Sample Student Rebuttal Argument

Marta Ramos,Oversimplifying the Locavore Ethic


Chapter 13: Proposal Arguments

Understand How Proposal Arguments Work

Recognize Components of Proposal Arguments

Build a Proposal Argument


Finding Good Reasons

Glenn Loury, A Nation of Jailers

Sample Student Proposal Argument

Kim Lee, Let’s Make It a Real Melting Pot with Presidential Hopes for All


PART 4 Designing and Presenting Arguments


Chapter 14: Designing Multimedia Arguments

Think About Which Media Will Reach Your Audience

Know When to Use Visual Evidence

Think About the Argument an Image Makes

Design Arguments for Print

Design Multimedia Arguments


Chapter 15: Presenting Arguments

Plan a Presentation

Design Visuals for a Presentation

Deliver an Effective Presentation


PART 5 Researching Arguments


Chapter 16: Planning Research

Analyze the Research Task

Find a Subject

Ask a Research Question

Gather Information About the Subject

Draft a Working Thesis


Chapter 17: Finding Sources

Develop Strategies for Finding Sources

Find Sources in Databases

Find Sources on the Web

Know the Limitations of Wikipedia

Find Multimedia Sources

Find Print Sources


Chapter 18: Evaluating and Recording Sources

Determine the Relevance of Sources

Determine the Quality of Sources

Evaluate Database and Print Sources

Checklist for Evaluating Database and Print Sources

Evaluate Web Sources

Checklist for Evaluating Web Sources

Keep Track of Sources


Chapter 19: Writing the Research Project

Review Your Goals and Plan Your Organization

Avoid Plagiarism

Plagiarism in College Writing

Avoid Plagiarism When Quoting Sources

Avoid Plagiarism When Summarizing and Paraphrasing

Decide When to Quote and When to Paraphrase

Write a Draft


Chapter 20: Documenting Sources in MLA Style

Elements of MLA Documentation

MLA In-Text Citations

MLA Works-Cited List: Books

MLA Works-Cited List: Periodicals

MLA Works-Cited List: Library Database Sources

MLA Works-Cited List: Online Sources

MLA Works-Cited List: Other Sources

Sample MLA Paper

Brian Witkowski,Need a Cure for Tribe Fever? How About a Dip in the Lake?


Chapter 21: Documenting Sources in APA Style

Elements of APA Documentation

APA In-Text Citations

APA References List: Books

APA References List: Periodicals

APA References List: Library Database Sources

APA References List: Online Sources

APA References List: Other Sources


PART 6 Contemporary Arguments


Chapter 22: Negotiating the Environment

American Environmentalism

Contemporary Arguments

Rachel Carson, The Obligation to Endure

Edward O. Wilson, The Conservation Ethic

Sidebar: Aldo Leopold,  from The Land Ethic

Chris Packham and Mark Wright, Should Pandas Be Left to Face Extinction?

Wallace Stegner, A Wilderness Letter


High Moon, We’re Almost There (cartoon)

Wendell E. Berry, “It All Turns on Affection”: 2012 Jefferson Lecture

Kentucky Appalachian Ministry, Locally Grown … Heaven Sent Ad

Jared Diamond, Will Big Business Save the Earth?

Joy of Tech, Look on the Bright Side (cartoon)

National Association of Scholars, Fixing Sustainability and Sustaining Liberal Education

Nicolette Hahn Niman, The Carnivore’s Dilemma

Mark Bittman, Eating Food That’s Better for You, Organic or Not

David B. Resnik, Urban Sprawl, Smart Growth, and Deliberative Democracy

From Reading to Writing


Chapter 23: Education

Education in American Society

Contemporary Arguments

Ralph Waldo Emerson, The American Scholar

W.E.B. Dubois, The Talented Tenth

Joe Heller, My Kid Went to College … (cartoon)

Garry B. Trudeau, Doonesbury: Teaching Is Dead (cartoon)

Margaret Spellings, Remarks at the 2006 No Child Left Behind Summit

Gerald W. Bracey, The Condition of Public Education

David Horsey, Come Away from the Window! (cartoon)

David Brooks, Sam Spade at Starbucks

John Gatto, Against Education: How Public Education Cripples Our Kids, and Why


Anthony P. Carvenale, College Is Still Worth It

Richard Vedder, For Many, College Isn’t Worth It

Jim Borgman, College Loan Debt (cartoon)

Clive Crook, A Matter of Degrees: Why College Is Not an Economic Cure-All

Gregory Kristof, On the Ground with a “Gap Year”

From Reading to Writing


Chapter 24: Globalization: Importing and Exporting America

America’s Place in the World—and the World’s Place in America

Contemporary Arguments

Todd Gitlin, Under the Sign of Mickey Mouse & Co.

Aislin, Ain’t Globalization Grand? (cartoon)    

Laura Carlsen, WalMart vs. Pyramids    

Thomas Friedman, Why the World Is Flat

Sidebar: The 10 Great Levelers

Richard Florida, The World Is Spiky

Chappatte, Our Outsourced World (cartoon)

Robyn Meredith and Suzanne Hoppough, Why Globalization Is Good

Sadanand Dhume, Slumdog Paradox


Roy Beck, A Nation of (Too Many) Immigrants?

Wiley Miller, What’s the Worst That Can Happen? (cartoon)

Mae M. Ngai, No Human Being Is Illegal

Lance Morrow, Cowboys and Immigrants

Sidebar: Emma Lazarus, The New Colossus

Sidebar: Thomas Bailey Aldrich, The Unguarded Gates  000

From Reading to Writing


 Chapter 25: Science and Ethics

The Ethics of Science and Technology

Contemporary Arguments

Doug Savage, At Last! (cartoon)

Bill Joy, Why the Future Doesn’t Need Us

Ralph C. Merkle, Nanotechnology: Designs for the Future

Bill Gates, A Robot in Every Home

Paul Marks, Armchair Warlords and Robot Hordes

Sally Satel, Organs for Sale

Ron Reagan, Speech at the Democratic National Convention, July 27, 2004

Richard M. Doerflinger, Don’t Clone Ron Reagan’s Agenda

Ed Fischer, Good News (cartoon)


Mark Anslow, Ten Reasons Why GM Won’t Feed the World

James Freeman, You’re Eating Genetically Modified Food

Jeffrey Smith, Another Reason for Schools to Ban Genetically Engineered Foods

James E. McWilliams, The Green Monster: Could Frankenfoods Be Good for the Environment?

Ben Burkett, Green Revolution a Failure in Africa    

Gregory Jaffe, Lessen the Fear of Genetically Engineered Crops

From Reading to Writing


Chapter 26: Privacy

New Challenges to Personal Privacy

Contemporary Arguments

Adam Penenberg, The Surveillance Society

Mike Luckovich, I’m Glad Facebook’s Taking Privacy Issues Seriously (cartoon)

Robert X. Cringely, Facebook Puts Your Privacy on Parade

Jonathan Locker, OnStar: Big Brother’s Eye in the Sky

Dahlia Lithwick, Teens, Nude Photos and the Law

Jay Stanley, ACLU Opposes Body Cavity Searches for Airline Passengers

Adam Cohen, A Casualty of the Technology Revolution: “Locational Privacy”


Steven C. Bennett, Privacy Implications of Biometrics

Paul Saffo, A Trail of DNA and Data

FBI, Using Technology to Catch Criminals

Sidebar: Voice Verification for Transactions

Ben Goldacre, Now for ID Cards—and the Biometric Blues

From Reading to Writing


Chapter 27: Regulating Substances, Regulating Bodies

Private Bodies, Public Controls

Contemporary Arguments

Joe Klein, Why Legalizing Marijuana Makes Sense

Bernadine Healy, Legalize Marijuana? Obama Was Right to Say No

Bill James, Cooperstown and the ’Roids

Terrence Rafferty, Kate Winslet, Please Save Us!

Rebecca Traister, “Real Beauty”—Or Really Smart Marketing?

Consumer Freedom, Obesity Ads

David Edelstein, Up in Smoke: Give Movies with Tobacco an Automatic ‘R’

Tony Newman, Criminalizing Smoking Is Not the Answer: Bans on Cloves and Outdoor Smoking Will Backfire!

New York State Department of Health, “Skip” Legault Antismoking Ad

Garry Trudeau, Doonesbury: The Sin Lobby Gins Up for Another Year (cartoon)

Jordan Rubin, Beware of Saturday Morning Cartoons

Jeffrey Friedman, The Real Cause of Obesity

Consumer Freedom, The Nanny Ad

New York City Department of Health, Are You Pouring on the Pounds? Ad

Patrick Johnson, Obesity: Epidemic or Myth?


Jeff Keacher, Accomplishments As … (cartoon)

John McCardell, A Drinking Age of 21 Doesn’t Work

Morris E. Chafetz, The 21-Year-Old Drinking Age: I Voted for It; It Doesn’t Work

Toben F. Nelson, Traci L. Toomey, and co-authors, The Drinking Age of 21 Saves Lives

James Hibberd, Barhopping with the Bud Girls

Mothers Against Drunk Driving, Last Round with My Buddies Ad

Sidebar: Some Signs that Substance Use Is a Problem

From Reading to Writing


Chapter 28: New Media

Personal Space in Cyberspace

Contemporary Arguments

Andrew Keen, Is Google’s Data Grinder Dangerous?

Sidebar: John Perry Barlow, A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace

John Seigenthaler, A False Wikipedia “Biography”

Walt Handelsman, Information Superhighway (cartoon)

Michael Gerson, Where the Avatars Roam

Daniel Okrent, The Death of Print?

David Fitzsimmons, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah (cartoon)

David Carr, Why Twitter Will Endure

Neil Richards, The Perils of Social Reading


John C. Beck and Mitchell Wade, How the Gamer Revolution Is Reshaping Business Forever (excerpt)

James Paul Gee, Games, Not Schools, Are Teaching Kids to Think

Kevin Moss, The Enemy of My Irony Is My Friend

Clay Shirky, Gin, Television, and Social Surplus–A Speech, April 26, 2008

From Reading to Writing    


PART 7 Handbook

  1        Fragments, Run-ons, and Comma Splices

  2        Subject—Verb Agreement

  3        Verbs

  4        Pronouns

  5        Shifts

  6        Modifiers

  7        Grammar for Multilingual Writers

  8        Commas 

  9        Semicolons and Colons

10        Dashes and Parentheses

11        Apostrophes

12        Quotation Marks

13        Other Punctuation Marks

14        Capitalization, Italics, Abbreviations, Numbers


Glossary of Grammatical Terms and Usage



Index for Handbook


Revision Guide

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