Human Resource Leadership for Effective Schools, 5th edition

Published by Pearson (March 23, 2007) © 2008

  • John T. Seyfarth

  • Hardcover, paperback or looseleaf edition
  • Affordable rental option for select titles
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  • Clearly connects human resource management decisions to student learning and achievement to illustrate how critical this function is to schools.
  • Contains case studies to give students a detailed picture of various personnel problems. Thirty new case studies on No Child Left Behind, teacher recruitment and selection, reductions in force, Professional Development and teacher dismissal focus on recent developments in the field.
  • Describes alternative forms of collective bargaining used in school districts to avoid the adversarial approach of the industrial model of collective bargaining.  
  • "Suggested Activities" following every chapter provide an opportunity for students to process and apply concepts discussed in the chapter.
  • Annotated lists of Online Resources at the end of each chapter provide quick access to supplemental material.
  • An Instructor’s Manual is available online to adopters at
  • Discussion of the requirement from No Child Left Behind to employ highly qualified teachers in all classrooms examines the implications of this mandate on recruitment and selection of teachers.  
  • Coverage of key issues, such as mandated use of standardized tests for assessing school performance, applicants with disabilities, professional development programs, mentoring, and new developments in pay-for-performance plans keeps this book current with today's critical areas of concern.
  • New standards for selecting and evaluating teachers (INTASC and PRAXIS III) and school leaders (ISLLC) are discussed in light of the increased emphasis on accountability.
  • Legal Issues and Collective Bargaining  (Ch. 11-12) have been updated to reflect current issues such as sexual harassment in schools and Constitutional protections for employees.
  • TECHNOLOGY ADVANTAGE — Educational Administration Website.


Chapter One

Human Resources Leadership and Effective Schools

            Plan of the Book

                        Human Resources Leaders

            Model of Student Learning

            Organizational Effectiveness

                        School-Based Management

            No Child Left Behind


            Online Resources



Chapter Two

Planning for Staffing Needs

            Plan of the Chapter

            Recruiting Teachers

            Projecting School Enrollments

                        Cohort Survival Method

                        Projecting First-Grade Enrollment

                        Retention Ratios

            Determining Staff Allocations

            Model of the Selection Process

                        Preparing a Job Description

            Essential Functions

                        Changing Expectations

            Identifying Selection Criteria


            Suggested Activities

            Online Resources

            Case Studies

                        Case No. 1

                        Case No. 2



Chapter Three

Evaluating and Selecting Applicants

            Plan of the Chapter

Sources of Information about Applicants

                        Application Form

                        Licensure and Certification



                        Test Scores

                        Background Checks

                        Highly Qualified

            Interviewing for Selection



                        Perceiver Interview

                        Rating the Applicant

            Transfer Policies and Student Learning

                        Equity in Transfer Practices


            Suggested Activities

            Online Resources

            Case Studies

                        Case No. 1

                        Case No. 2

                        Case No. 3

                        Case No. 4

                        Case No. 5



Chapter Four

Selecting Administrative and Support Personnel

            Plan of the Chapter

            Selection Procedures

                        Announcing the Vacancy

                        Screening the Applicants

                        Interviewing and Checking References

                        Announcing Decisions

            Use of Tests for Selection of Administrators

                        Written Tests

                        Assessment Centers

            Selection of Principals and Assistant Principals


                        Selection of Assistant Principals

            Skills of Effective Leaders

            Women in Administration

                        Mentors Helping Women

                        Gender and Leadership Style

Selecting Other Support Personnel

            School Social Workers

            School Psychologists

            Guidance Counselors

            Library/Media Specialists

            Instructional Aides

            Substitute Teachers

            Secretaries and Administrative Assistants


Suggested Activities

Online Resources

Case Studies

            Case No. 1



Chapter Five

Motivation of Personnel

            Plan of the Chapter

            Nature of Work Motivation

                        Theories of Motivation

            Job Satisfaction in Teaching

                        Career Anchors and Teacher Satisfaction

                        Sources of Dissatisfaction in Teaching

            Job Satisfaction and Teacher Turnover

                        Organizational Correlates of Attrition

                        Demographic Correlates of Attrition


            Suggested Activities

            Online Resources

            Case Studies

                        Case No. 1

                        Case No. 2



Chapter Six


            Plan of the Chapter

            From Student to Teacher

                        The New Teacher

            Purposes and Types of Induction

                        Orientation Programs

                        Performance Improvement Programs

                        State-Mandated Induction Programs

            Mentors for Beginning Teachers

                        Mentoring Minority Teachers

                        Starting a Mentoring Program

Administrative Leadership for Induction

            Recommendations for Principals

            Induction for Administrators

                         Learning about Leadership


            Suggested Activities

            Online Resources

            Case Studies

                        Case No. 1

                        Case No. 2



Chapter Seven

Professional Development for Educational Personnel

            Plan of the Chapter

            Functions of Professional Development

            Characteristics of Effective Professional Development

                        Congruence and Ease of Adoption

            Planning for Professional Development

                        Centralized versus Decentralized Programs

                        Design of the Program

                        Evaluation and Follow-up

            Professional Development for Administrators and Support Personnel


            Online Resources

            Case Studies

                        Case No. 1

                        Case No. 2



Chapter Eight

Evaluating Employee Performance

            Plan of the Chapter

            Purposes of Performance Evaluation

            Models of Teacher Evaluation

                        Remediation Model

                        Goal-Setting Model

                        Portfolio Model

                        Student Achievement Model

                        Peer Assistance and Review Model

            Characteristics of Successful Evaluation Programs

                        Evaluating Evaluation Systems

                        Conducting Classroom Observations

            State-Mandated Evaluation Systems

Evaluation of Principals

Legal Considerations in Personnel Evaluation


Suggested Activities

Online Resources

Case Studies

            Case No. 1

            Case No. 2



Chapter Nine

Compensation and Rewards

            Plan of the Chapter

            Sound Compensation Plans

            Reasons for Low Salaries

                        Salary Equity

                        Fringe Benefits

            Single Salary Schedules

            Forms of Incentive Pay


                        Alternative Pay Plans

            Containing Costs

                        Administrators’ Salaries

            Constructing a Salary Schedule


            Suggested Activities

            Online Resources

            Case Studies

                        Case No. 1

                        Case No. 2



Chapter Ten

Creating Productive Work Environments

            Plan of the Chapter

            Psychological Success and Work Environments

            Qualities of Productive Work Environments

                        Clear Mission

                        Supportive Administrative Leadership

                        Professional Culture

                        Using Talents and Skills

                        Comfortable Facilities

                        Adequate Time

                        Materials and Equipment

            Teacher Stress and Burnout

                        Types of Stress

                        Factors in Burnout

                        Teacher Absenteeism

                        Loss of Learning


            Suggested Activities

            Online Resources

            Case Studies

                        Case No. 1

                        Case No. 2



Chapter Eleven

Legal Issues in Human Resources

            Plan of the chapter

            State Legislation and School Boards

            Antidiscrimination Legislation

                        Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978

                        Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 and Older Workers

                                    Benefit Protection Act of 1990

                        Equal Pay Act of 1963

                        Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990

                        Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993

                        Other Legislation

            Constitutional Protections for Employees

            Defending Personnel Practices

                        Establishing a Defense

            Sexual Harassment

            Affirmative Action and Reverse Discrimination  


            Suggested Activities

            Online Resources

            Case Studies

                        Case No. 1

                        Case No. 2

                        Case No. 3



Chapter Twelve

Collective Bargaining in Schools

            Plan of the Chapter

            Public Sector Bargaining

            Scope of Bargaining

                        Teacher Evaluation

                        Transfer and Reassignment

                        Class Size/Preparations

                        Extra Duty

                        Reduction in Force

                        Working Conditions

                        Safety and Security

            Recent Developments in Collective Bargaining

            New Forms of Collective Bargaining

                        Bargaining Stages

                        Resolving Impasses

            Impact of Collective Bargaining on Schools

                        Teachers’ Salaries

                        Student Learning

                        Work of Principals


            Suggested Activities

            Online Resources

            Case Studies

                        Case No. 1

                        Case No. 2



Chapter Thirteen

Managing Conflict in Schools

            Plan of the Chapter

            Nature of Conflict in Organizations

            Methods of Resolving Conflict




            Managing Conflict through the Grievance Process

                        Contract Interpretation

            Arbitration of Work Rules

                        Deciding Which Rule Applies

                        Grievances on Evaluation

                        Negative Norm Setters

            Other Issues in Arbitration



                        Questions of Law

                        Past Practice

                        Effects of Arbitration on the District


            Suggested Activities

            Online Resources

            Case Studies

                        Case No. 1

                        Case No. 2

                        Case No. 3



Chapter Fourteen

Termination and Reduction in Force

            Plan of the Chapter

            Carrying out a Reduction-in-Force

                        Reviewing Alternatives

                        Staffing Adjustments Required

            Reductions in Workforce and Employees’ Rights

            Dealing with Employee Misconduct

                        Types of Offenses

                        Levels of Discipline

            Dismissal and Nonrenewal

                        Immoral or Unprofessional Behavior


            Documenting Unsatisfactory Performance

            Rights of Dismissed Teachers


            Suggested Activities

            Online Resources

            Case Studies

                        Case No. 1

                        Case No. 2




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