Infant and Toddler Development and Responsive Program Planning: A Relationship-Based Approach, 4th edition

Published by Pearson (January 3, 2017) © 2018

  • Donna S. Wittmer University of Colorado, Denver
  • Sandra H. Petersen


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See how infants and toddlers grow and learn in typical and atypical ways.

  • A variety of perspectives provide students with a unique depth of understanding on early learning and development. Each chapter on the developmental domains (Chs. 6-10) explains learning and development by covering the biological influences of gender and temperament, a picture of the child’s increasing skills and knowledge, the effects of relationships with adults, the impact of cultural beliefs, related delays or disabling conditions, and positive program practices.

  • The importance of working with families is central to the book’s focus, and family engagement is featured in every chapter. In addition, Chapter 2 focuses on the diverse structures of families in today’s society.

  • The most current understanding of how infants and toddlers learn and grow is presented. The book looks at how science creates new theories in learning, including the effects of stress and the buffering effect of relationship, and how infants learn language. (See in particular Chapter 3.)

  • How to implement curriculum with greater understanding and intention is emphasized in the chapter on curriculum (Chs. 12-14), which provides breadth and depth in how every aspect of programming affects child outcomes.

  • Health and safety requirements are described in detail, providing students with instruction on a practical and vital set of skills sometimes overlooked in other development and learning texts (Ch. 11).

  • A full chapter devoted to professionalism (Ch. 16) provides valuable information on national professional organizations, ethics, teacher evaluations, and the aspects of a profession.

  • NEW! Information on children with special needs is integrated into each chapter, and a separate chapter focuses specifically on these children and their needs.

  • NEW! The development chapters in the book, Chapters 6 through 10, correspond to and support the infant-toddler sections of the Head Start Early Learning Outcome Framework.

Enhance learning and ensure comprehension with a variety of teaching and learning aids.

  • NEW! A more accessible writing style and reading level appeals to a broader range of students and shows how to better put the information into practice.
  • NEW! A new Respect, Reflect, and Relate feature emphasizes these three ways to think about planning interactions and programs.

  • Updated research information and new concepts are integrated and discussed throughout.

Bring knowledge up to date on the latest research and trends in the field.

  • NEW! Updated research information and new concepts are integrated and discussed throughout.
  • NEW! Included is new exciting, innovative research on brain development, infants, toddlers, families, and culture that contribute to better understanding young children’s growth, development, and learning, as well as family dynamics and teacher practices.
  • NEW! Information on topics of current critical interest is included, covering such issues as the Zika virus, same-sex parents, and the issues raised by the Institute of Medicine report on Transforming the Early Childhood Workforce.

Invigorate learning with the Enhanced Pearson eTextThe Enhanced Pearson eText provides a rich, interactive learning environment designed to improve student mastery of content with the following multimedia features:

  • NEW! Embedded video examples in each chapter illustrate key concepts and strategies.

  • NEW! Observation Invitations invite readers to enter the world of a child or children to reflect on what a video or series of photos reveals about the child’s development and goals (Chs. 6 through 10). Reflection questions and possible answers guide readers to think deeply about the meaning of children’s thinking and behavior.

  • NEW! Check Your Understanding self-check quizzes assess student mastery of the chapter Learning Outcomes and provide feedback and rationales for both correct and incorrect answers.

Students can experience the advantages of the Enhanced Pearson eText along with all the benefits of print for 40% to 50% less than a print bound book! Students, register for or purchase your eText at Instructors, visit to register for your digital examination copy.

Key content changes include:
  • A more accessible writing style and reading level appeals to a broader range of students and shows how to better put the information into practice. The writing style is more explanatory, direct, and has more focus on application than in previous editions.
  • Observation Invitations invite readers to enter the world of a child or children to reflect on what a video or series of photos reveals about the child’s development and goals (Chs. 6 through 10).

  • A new Respect, Reflect, and Relate feature emphasizes these three ways to think about planning interactions and programs.

  • Updated research information and new concepts are integrated and discussed throughout.

    • Included is new exciting, innovative research on brain development, infants, toddlers, families, and culture that contribute to better understanding young children’s growth, development, and learning, as well as family dynamics and teacher practices.

    • Information on topics of current critical interest is included, covering such issues as the Zika virus, same-sex parents, and the issues raised by the Institute of Medicine report on Transforming the Early Childhood Workforce.

  • Information on children with special needs is integrated into each chapter, and a separate chapter focuses specifically on these children and their needs.

  • The development chapters in the book, Chapters 6 through 10, correspond to and support the infant-toddler sections of the Head Start Early Learning Outcome Framework.

Invigorate learning with the Enhanced Pearson eText
The Enhanced Pearson eText provides a rich, interactive learning environment designed to improve student mastery of content with the following multimedia features:

  • Embedded video examples in each chapter illustrate key concepts and strategies.

  • Observation Invitations invite readers to enter the world of a child or children to reflect on what a video or series of photos reveals about the child’s development and goals (Chs. 6 through 10). Reflection questions and possible answers guide readers to think deeply about the meaning of children’s thinking and behavior.

  • Check Your Understanding self-check quizzes assess student mastery of the chapter Learning Outcomes and provide feedback and rationales for both correct and incorrect answers.

Students can experience the advantages of the Enhanced Pearson eText along with all the benefits of print for 40% to 50% less than a print bound book! Students, register for or purchase your eText at Instructors, visit to register for your digital examination copy.

1. The Importance of the Infant and Toddler Years and a Relationship­-Based Approach

2. Infants, Toddlers, and Their Families

3. Understanding and Using Theories

4. The Power of Observation: Learning About Infants and Toddlers

5. Genetics and Prenatal Development

6. Emotional Development and Learning

7. Social Development and Learning with Peers

8. Cognitive Development and Learning

9. Language Development and Learning

10. Motor Development and Learning

11. Responsive Programs: Quality, Health, Safety, and Nutrition

12. Creating a Relationship­ Based Curriculum

13. Routines, Environments, and Opportunities: Day to Day the Relationship Way

14. Respect, Reflect, and Relate: The 3 R Approach to Guidance

15. Including Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities in Infant and Toddler Programs

16. The Infant­/Toddler Professional

Donna Wittmer has a PhD in Child, Family, and Community Studies from Syracuse University. She taught Behavioral Pediatrics at SUNY in Syracuse and developed a family ­centered Early Intervention program on the Onondaga Indian Nation. Beginning in 1990 she taught ECE/ECSE at the University of Colorado Denver for 17 years. She is the author of numerous articles and chapters for early childhood education journals and newsletters. She has given many presentations for NAEYC and ZERO to THREE. She is the coauthor of Infant and Toddler Development and Responsive Program Planning, 4th Edition, Endless Opportunities, and The Young Child. She is also the author of a ZERO to THREE book on infant/toddler peer interactions and relationships. For ten years she served on the leadership team of the Expanding Quality in Infant/Toddler Care in the state of Colorado. This group wrote and delivered training of trainer materials for infant/toddler specialists who then delivered the curriculum to over 1000 infant/toddler caregivers in Colorado.

Sandra Petersen has a rich background in many facets of the early childhood field. Beginning with teaching preschool, then directing an on­site hospital child care center, providing early intervention services, providing infant­parent psychotherapy, directing Colorado’s early childhood professional development system, teaching numerous college courses, and working for ZERO TO THREE in the Early Head Start National Resource Center and the National Infant Toddler Child Care Initiative. Ms. Petersen was a Zero to Three Fellow. She is co­author of three college textbooks on infancy and early childhood published by Pearson; The Young Child: Prenatal through Age Eight, Endless Opportunities for Infant Toddler Curriculum: A Relationship-­Based Approach, and Infant and Toddler Development and Responsive Program Planning: A Relationship­-Based Approach. She is the author of Caring for Infants and Toddlers in Groups by ZERO TO THREE. She created and has taught the Special Needs session for the Program for Infant Toddler Care for over 20 years. She has a Master’s degree in Educational Psychology and completed doctoral coursework in Early Childhood Special Education at the University of California-Berkeley.

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